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Release changelog
DCS - 05.03.2025
DCS - 19.02.2025
DCS - 05.02.2025
DCS - 20.01.2025
DCS - 24.12.2024
DCS - 11.12.2024
DCS - 04.12.2024
DCS - 05.11.2024
DCS - 02.11.2024
DCS - 30.10.2024
DCS - 15.10.2024
DCS - 02.10.2024
DCS - 30.09.2024
DCS - 20.08.2024
DCS - 14.08.2024
DCS - 09.08.2024
DCS - 22.07.2024
DCS - 11.07.2024
DCS - 05.06.2024
DCS - 22.05.2024
DCS - 03.05.2024
DCS - 15.04.2024
DCS - 12.04.2024
DCS - 10.04.2024
DCS - 22.02.2024
DCS - 29.11.2023
DCS - 02.08.2023
DCS - 05.05.2023
DCS - 27.12.2022
DCS - 05.10.2022
DCS - 08.09.2022
DCS - 04.08.2022
DCS - 27.05.2022
DCS - 08.04.2022
DCS - 09.02.2022
DCS - 30.12.2021
DCS - 03.11.2021
DCS - 01.10.2021
DCS - 18.08.2021
DCS - 14.07.2021
DCS - 25.06.2021
DCS - 11.06.2021
DCS - 05.03.2021
DCS - 04.01.2021
DCS - 25.12.2020
DCS - 09.10.2020
DCS - 24.07.2020
DCS - 28.05.2020
DCS - 12.04.2020
DCS - 23.12.2019
DCS - 15.11.2019
DCS - 10.09.2019
DCS - 26.08.2019
DCS - 10.07.2019
DCS - 26.06.2019
DCS - 15.05.2019
DCS - 03.04.2019
DCS - 20.02.2019
DCS - 06.02.2019
DCS - 25.01.2019
DCS - 12.12.2018
DCS - 31.10.2018
DCS - 17.10.2018
DCS - 29.09.2018
DCS - 19.09.2018
DCS - 07.09.2018
DCS - 27.06.2018
Open Beta changelog
5 mar

DCS Campaigns

DCS: AH-64D Outpost Campaign by Stone Sky

  • Mission 2. Fixed problem with landing on Arleigh Burke.

DCS: F/A-18C Operation Green Line by Badger633

  • Mission 1: Boat movement fixed. 

DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion 2 by Badger633 

  • Missions 13: Carrier parking conflict on return resolved.

DCS: F-16C Last Out Weasels Over Syria 2 Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims

  • Mission 10 - Rotor engaging Migs when already clear of the fight - fixed.

DCS: F/A-18C Operation Cerberus North Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims

  • Mission 5 - Various minor updates and fixes.

DCS: F/A-18C Raven One: Dominant Fury by Baltic Dragon

  • Mission 4: fixed issue with mission not progressing after overflying Power Chord. 
  • Mission 8: general overhaul of the mission, with new prompts, fixed datalink, updated comms and several smaller bug fixes. Note: known issue with overlapping comms during departure, will be fixed for next patch. 
  • Mission 9: fixed issue with Scuds shooting too early; fixed garbled comms from Cutlass towards end of the mission; added missing prompt for freq change to Strike; added unlimited fuel for flight lead.

The following campaigns had issues with broken file names fixed, and now the campaigns are fully playable:

  • DCS: F-14B Operation Sandworm Campaign by Sandman Simulations
  • DCS: F-16C First in Weasels Over Syria Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims
  • DCS: MAD AH-64D Campaign by Stone Sky
  • Mi-8MTV2 Oilfield Campaign by Dmitry Koshelev
  • DCS: F/A-18C Rising Squall Campaign by INVERTED
  • DCS: UH-1H Worlds Apart Stormfront Campaign by Low-Level-Heaven Mission Development
19 feb

Introduced a new terrain module: DCS: East Afghanistan Map by Eagle Dynamics

DCS Core

  • Added method for IR missiles seekers to react on flares before missile launch (from cockpit). Each module needs to add usage of this functionality separately.
  • AI Aircraft. Aircraft without RWR will be able to detect incoming missiles only visually at close distance, not BVR.
  • AI Aircraft. AI rejoin lead pursuit rules and timings were adjusted for better experience.
  • AI Aircraft. AIs anti-ship aircraft with Kh-35 missiles do not attack - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. AIs can't launch AGM-84E in some cases - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. B-52H has random landing gear failure on runway 21L NTTR for both air start and ground start aircraft - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. Mi-28 explodes during start from a small little helipad - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. MiG-31 cannot be destroyed if shot from directly behind - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. Parked AIs switch from normal position to upside down (dedicated server only) - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. S-3B refuelling pod lights texture correction was done.
  • AI Aircraft. S-3B tanker has issues refuelling some AI aircraft in certain conditions - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. Sometimes AI aircraft park into space of not fitting size after landing - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft - Added Tactical Turns. When flying as a 2 ship, with human lead AI is now able to perform on command tactical turn, Use radio menu to command.
  • AI Ground. Artillery doesn't shoot at the second target - fixed.
  • AI Ground. China Asset Pack: HQ-7B radar and launcher units revised (Thanks to currenthill).
  • AI Ground. CIWS shoots above the target- fixed.
  • AI Ground. Scout HL with DShK gun traversal angles adjusted.
  • AI Navy. "Moscow" cruiser can't fire all 16 P-500 missiles - fixed.
  • AI Navy. China Asset Pack: 052B, 052C, and 054A revised (Thanks to currenthill).
  • AI Navy. Fixed the lack of smoke on the Kuznetsov 2017 aircraft carrier.
  • Graphics. Added two options for SSAO effect - "Low" and "High".
  • Graphics. Adjusted IR appearance of clouds; reduced cloud temperature for FLIR devices.
  • Graphics. Raindrops functionality changes when different aircraft cockpits entered in MP - fixed.
  • Graphics. Several shaders compilation errors - fixed.
  • ME. A fog/haze can appear in a new unsaved mission - fixed. Fog setting will not be inherited from a previously launched mission.
  • ME. Anti air ground units can’t be set to attack specific air units - fixed.
  • ME. Briefing pictures change issues - fixed.
  • ME. GUI Error when deleting a waypoint with a task - fixed.
  • ME. Sometimes unit heading value can become "-1" - fixed.
  • ME. Static units could not be rotated via widget buttons - fixed.
  • MP. Dedicated server can start from random mission in shuffle mode now.
  • MP. Dedicated server keeps fog setting from previous mission - fixed.
  • MP. On dedicated server AI helicopters sling load rope glitching and extending - fixed.
  • MP. Random camera rotation at spawn on client - fixed.
  • MP. Server crash when cargo destroy() whilst hooked - fixed.
  • Radio transmission leaves constant static noise - fixed.
  • Scripting API. Added possibility to pass args and return values from mission scripting a_do_script() and a_do_file() APIs.
  • Triggers. 'Missile In Zone' Trigger doesn't work for Kh-41 missile - fixed.
  • Weapon. AIM-9P3, AIM-9P5, AIM-9JULI. The low-smoke motors of these missiles will produce denser smoke as altitude increases and temperatures decrease. AIM-9M and AIM-9X already do so.
  • Weapon. BGM-109 Tomahawk will no longer perform cruise fly at high altitude, only at low altitude.
  • Weapon. China Asset Pack: HQ-7B, HQ-16, and HHQ-9 missiles revised (Thanks to currenthill).
  • Weapon. China Asset Pack: YJ-12 missile switch to ED’s edition.
  • Weapon. SA-3 5V27 missile will not guide during booster stage.
  • Weapon. SA-5, 5М28 missile. Engine smoke of second stage tuned. Added inversion contrail at low temperatures.
  • Weapon. SAM SA-2/3. Added realistic missile trajectory fluctuations due to older generation radar angular inaccuracy.
  • Weapon. Several negative drag errors in logs - fixed.
  • World. AI Helicopter cannot land if in the range to 400 m placed Comm Tower due to oversize of bounding box - corrected.
  • World. US National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency released the WMM update, 2025-2030 data. Its data has been integrated into the DCS magnetic variation interface.
  • 3D models. Fixed season textures for HEMTT tanker trucks.
  • 3D models. Fixed the disappearance of TLC fragments in some camera positions.

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added AIM-9 seekers tracking flares prior to the missile being launched.
  • Added Throttle OFF/IDLE Mouse Click on the throttle (key command/binding no longer required).
  • Fixed: PDLT cycle with EXP causes freeze/crash.
  • Fixed: Using GMT causes a game crash.
  • Fixed: Special key bind for parking brake / antiskid not working.
  • Fixed: Damage model - Pilot cannot survive any explosive hit.
  • Fixed: Dogfight mode gets stuck in NO RAD.

DCS: F/A-18C by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added AIM-9 seekers tracking flares prior to the missile being launched.
  • Fixed: AIM-9X doesn't track at the edge of seeker gimbal.
  • Fixed: EXP modes slew range.
  • Fixed: Datalink AWW-13 got stuck after firing AGM-84.
  • Fixed: AUTO release cues don't obey OAP's.
  • Fixed: Wrong IFF Code rejection behaviour.
  • Fixed: Damage model - Pilot cannot survive any explosive hit.

DCS: AH-64D by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: Freeze when player crashes.

DCS: Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics

DCS: Supercarrier by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: Collision when parking F/A-18C on Supercarrier Deck Population mission.
  • Fixed: Client is ignored by taxi director when trying to move from a parking slot.
  • Fixed: Carrier deck crew rejects helicopter payload change.
  • Fixed: AI aircraft's launch bar cannot catch catapult shooter correctly.
  • Fixed: "Waiting for ATC Status" Message displayed in campaigns.

DCS: F-5E  by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added AIM-9 seekers tracking flares prior to the missile being launched.
  • Adjusted: M-39 guns mounted on F-5E dispersion adjustment, other aircraft with the same gun can have different dispersion due to other factors like mounting points etc.
  • Fixed: Radar grid is displayed after complete power off - some fixes for radar scale brightness.
  • Fixed IRIAF skins for F-5E Remastered being not localized correctly.
  • Fixed: Damage model - Pilot cannot survive any explosive hit - Pilot hitbox FAR too large.

DCS: L-39 by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: Gunsight Target Distance buttons don't work.
  • Fixed: Some errors in the cockpit clickable.

DCS: Yak-52 by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed. Engine Start Button Cover bindings don't work.
  • Fixed. Chronometer stopwatch minute hand show number of passed hours instead of minutes.
  • Fixed. Smoke apparatus toggle control fails to cycle.
  • Fixed. Cockpit visual recon not functioning.
  • Fixed. Trim Tabs in the Special Menu doesn't affect the plane.
  • Added. Moving throttle now updates the throttle position in the exterior model.
  • Improved. Automatic start-up procedures.

DCS: P-47D Thunderbolt by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed. 'Engine Degraded' with WEP usage.

DCS: P-51 Mustang by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed. Landing lamp is covered with non-transparent material.

DCS: WWII Assets pack by Eagle Dynamics

  • Ju-88A-4 Fixed. Wrong damage visualisation on distanced LODs.

DCS:Black Shark 3 by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed ATGM suspension in 2011 version
  • Added Afghanistan instant action missions

DCS: Flaming Cliffs 2024 by Eagle Dynamics

  • Su-27. Added Afghanistan instant action missions
  • Su-33. Added Afghanistan instant action missions

DCS: Afghanistan by Eagle Dynamics

  • Improved ground noise and vegetation distribution textures for the entire Afghanistan map
  • Improved mid- and far-range ground noise quality for the entire Afghanistan map
  • Improved Normal Map surface textures for the entire Afghanistan map
  • Improved surface textures of settlements and fields
  • Fixed visual errors on small vegetation with SSS shadows enabled
  • Fixed many bugs in incorrect build of geometry of roads, rivers and lakes
  • Improved road network - multiple gaps in major highways removed
  • Improved road network - roads in the terrain are more consistent with the roads on the map in ME
  • Ground vehicles no longer fall through bitumen slab bridges
  • Cars and small objects in static scenes are now aligned with the slopes of the ground
  • Improved unique scenes of the city of Herat
  • Optimized unique airfield scenes
  • Added FLIR textures for civilian traffic models
  • Tarinkot airfield: the size of ground mounds along the runway has been reduced
  • Tarinkot airfield: fixed a bug where the airfield heading and the airfield heading name did not match
  • Tarinkot airfield: fixed helicopter explosion when entering the runway
  • Camp Bastion airfield: the road network, settlements and fields in the vicinity of the airfield have been improved
  • Camp Bastion airfield: ground mounds along the runway no longer obscure the PAPI view
  • Camp Bastion airfield: added night lighting of the airfield
  • Camp Bastion heliport: added night lighting of the airfield
  • Kandahar airfield: added night lighting of the airfield
  • Kandahar airfield: fixed errors in taxiing
  • Kandahar heliport: added night lighting of the airfield
  • Qala i Naw airfield: sharp changes in runway altitude have been corrected

DCS Mirage F1 by Aerges


  • Fixed the low fps problem in intensive missions with triggers.


  • AP disconnect/disengage in F1 BE now occurs if pilot's stick 'Autopilot disconnect trigger' or 'Autopilot disengage lever' are activated at any seat. Previously the same switches at different seats were conflicting with each other.
  • Restored INS drift in F1 EE.
  • Fixed small control stick oscillations in pitch with autopilot engaged.
  • Fixed autopilot unable to intercept radials and ILS localizers when in close proximity, but flying with low relative angles.
  • Fixed F1 BE standby horizon roll jitter at forward seat.
  • The F1 BE TO-FROM indicator is functional now at the rear seat.
  • Modified F1 EE IDN logic when no Tacan signal is received and RNAV modes are selected.


  • 'Request AWACS Declare' quick access radio command was added to input.
  • Restored missing trim hat sounds of rear seat pilot's stick in F1 BE.
  • Fixed mixed up animation of 'Autopilot disconnect trigger' and 'Autopilot disengage lever' switches of the pilot's stick.
  • F1 BE rear cockpit stick PTT button is animated now.
  • Fixed stick PTT button animation not releasing with comms menu in certain cases.
  • 'Stick Push-to-talk button' command now moves the stick Push-to-talk button. The command activates Voice Chat communication.
  • 'Alternative Push-to-talk button' clickable control doesn't affect the pilot's stick PTT button animation anymore.
  • Stick and alternative push-to-talk buttons input commands now include 'Voice Chat' in their names for clarity.
  • Pilot's stick 'Search light' (Police light) button is animated now.
  • 'Search light' (Police light) button can't be activated from the rear cockpit of F1 BE anymore.
  • 'Combat flap retract lever' ('Palette volets de combat') is now purely mechanical. I.e. it can be moved without electric power available.
  • Added 'Cycle combat flaps' input command.
  • 'Cannon 300-600m and missile lock/unlock button' input command (forward seat throttle button) can't be activated from F1 BE rear seat anymore.
  • 'Heading selection knob - Clockwise/Counterclockwise' input commands can't be activated from F1 BE rear seat anymore.
  • Heading selector and Omnibearing selector knobs now can be controlled by joystick axes.
  • Fixed Air Conditioning System 'Master valve control switch' keybindings being reverted.
  • All control stick buttons and levers are now under the same category ('Control stick') in DCS Controls Options.


  • Modified refuelling instant action mission after latest AI changes. The tanker now enters directly into the racetrack pattern, without performing a re-entering maneuver.

DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev

  • Minor changes in input commands naming: 'VOIP' -> 'Voice Chat'.

DCS: MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3

  • Fixed SPO-10’s light operation

DCS: MB-339A/PAN by IndiaFoxtEcho Visual Simulations

  • Added: Generator 1 and 2 Reset (clickable and keybindings)
  • Fixed: ADI does not move when mission starts in cold & dark
  • Fixed: Gunsight 100mls wrong setting
  • Fixed: Gunsight brightness
  • Fixed: Background luminosity at night too high
  • Update: Collision model

DCS: JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations

  • Update. Now use ME loadout panel to edit GBU and BRM-1 laser code (not applied for LS-6-100)
  • Update. Control indicator
  • Fixed. ME freeze caused by changing laser code of dual GBU loadout on right wing
  • Fixed. Abnormal TACAN program behavior after quit APR TCN mode
  • Fixed. Datalink pod text overlay

DCS: F-4E Phantom II by Heatblur Simulations

  • JESTER: Fixed Jester Wheel Radar Target Lock/Focus not using proper icons
  • JESTER: Tweaked Jester to allow locking targets that are not quite dead yet (life <10% instead of 20%)
  • Systems: Updated RWR database (Mirage F-1AX, F-1CX, Aegis search radar, Atlantic Conveyor ship)
  • Systems: Fixed internal wing tanks not feeding when selecting an inexistent external tank
  • Systems: Fixed Pave Spike continuing to rotate with a target after commanding STOW
  • Flight Model: Fixed a bug causing incorrect changes to the total moment of inertia from fuel
  • Inputs: Added self-accelerating INC/DEC binds for Bomb Interval Knob
  • Missions: Frog-7 campaign:
    • Fixed AI taxi crashes and some other AI issues
  • Missions: Training Lesson 1a Startup:
    • Added text to remind to not move the landing gear lever
    • Bugfix with cockpit highlights sometimes not disappearing
  • Missions: Training Lesson 1b Startup:
    • Updated instructions
    • Bugfix with cockpit highlights sometimes not disappearing
    • Re-recorded voiceover for improved quality
  • Missions: Training Lesson 2 Taxi:
    • Updated instructions
    • Bugfix with cockpit highlights sometimes not disappearing
    • Improved trigger conditions for roll checks
  • Missions: Training Lesson 3 Normal Takeoff:
    • Bugfix with cockpit highlights sometimes not disappearing
    • Bugfix to allow users to enable/disable cockpit highlights
  • Missions: Training Lesson 4 Visual Landing:
    • Updated instructions
    • Added Kobuleti landing clearance triggers
    • Ground crew now waits with shutdown request until previous task is done
    • Bugfix with cockpit highlights sometimes not disappearing
  • Missions: Fixed HOBOS missing in related Instant Action Missions
  • Missions: Several Fixes to Instant Action Missions
  • Updated Chinese localization

DCS: F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations

  • Updated Chinese localization and encyclopaedia entries
  • Livery: VF-33 Starfighters AB201 updated - Thanks Yae Sakura!

DCS: AJS37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations

  • Fixed CTD on third spawn in certain missions
  • Fixed a bug with no shadows when mirrors were on
  • Updated the manual


DCS: AH-64D The Four Horsemen Campaign by Fight's On Simulations

  • M2. Possible loss of LOS on ground troops, causing trigger to not fire - FIXED
  • M6. Gunslinger landing spot too close to Ugly 5-1, preventing take off - FIXED

DCS: F/A-18C Rising Squall Campaign by INVERTED

  • Custom Liveries - Due to the previous version's modification of the priority rules for liveries files, there should no longer be a situation where the ranking of campaign liveries files is superior to the default liveries files. If you find that this situation still exists, please manually remove the excess files in the 'liveries' folder. The correct liveries files will be named with the prefix [RS1].
  • M00 - This mission will disable the latest "Super Carrier Deck Taxi Guidance" to avoid any issues.
  • M04 - This mission will disable the latest "Super Carrier Deck Taxi Guidance" to avoid any issues.
  • M10 - This mission will disable the latest "Super Carrier Deck Taxi Guidance" to avoid any issues.
  • M11 - Fixed audio and BGM loss and confusion caused by string stream errors.

DCS: P-51D High Stakes Campaign by Dmitry Koshelev

  • All missions received some additional static units for key air bases.
  • All missions have updated weather.

DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Oilfield Campaign by Dmitry Koshelev

  • Updated subbase and Maykop airfield objects.
  • Updated weather (added haze for more realistic visibility).
  • Added client CH-47F in to MP mission

DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Spring Tension

DCS: F-5E Aggressors Air Combat Maneuver Campaign by Maple Flag Missions

  • Added an F-5E FC version of the campaign to the package.

DCS: F-5E Aggressors Basic Fighter Maneuvers Campaign by Maple Flag Missions

  • Added an F-5E FC version of the campaign to the package.

DCS: F/A-18C Operation Mountain Breeze Campaign by Sandman Simulations

  • All missions with AAR – a safeguard added to prevent AI stuck with the tanker

DCS: F-16C Last Out Weasels Over Syria 2 Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims

  • Mission 9 - Incorrect takeoff time in briefing - fixed.
  • Mission 10 - Rotor TACAN not working - fixed.
  • Mission 12 - Boomer TACAN not working - fixed. Adjusted altitude check trigger during departure phase.
  • Mission 13 - Adjusted altitude check trigger during departure phase.

DCS: F-16C First In Weasels Over Syria Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims

  • Mission 1 - Adjusted altitude check trigger at H4 to allow more tolerance.
  • Mission 12 - Minor alteration to campaign complete text.

DCS: F/A-18C Operation Cerberus North Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims

  • Mission 4 - Various minor updates and fixes.

DCS: F-5E Black Sea Resolve '79 Campaign by SorelRo

  • Voices redone and more voices added
  • Triggers reworked
  • Navigation aids added, guidance from Overlord when going off-course on long legs.
  • Easier ways to finish a mission
  • Ability of players to select to be Immortal at any time during the missions
  • Ability to report Winchester and Bingo fuel state, this will trigger a win to live and fight another day.
  • Mig-21 and Mig-23 AI flights were tweaked to be more manageable. Pilots fatten up to 1000 kilos in some cases.
  • AI F-4 updated to use the Heatblur F-4E
5 feb


DCS: AH-64D Outpost Campaign by Stone Sky

  • Mission 8. The error of the object destruction zone, leading to a texture bug, has been fixed.

DCS: F/A-18C Inherent Resolve Campaign by Looking Glass

  • Mission 13 - Operation Kayla Mueller. Mission overhauled. Improved target sets and mission flow. Improved gameplay, order of targets. Fixed bugs preventing progress.

DCS: F-14B Operation Sandworm Campaign by Sandman Simulations

  • Missions 9, 10 and 12. AI gets stuck while refueling - fixed

DCS: F/A-18C Operation Mountain Breeze Campaign by Sandman Simulations

  • M2 – Missing voice line added

DCS: F/A-18C Flaming Sunrise Campaign by Sandman Simulations

  • All missions – taxi sequence adjusted to prevent collisions if taxi director disabled

DCS: MAD AH-64D Campaign by Stone Sky

  • First mission - fixed coordinates error

A-10C / A-10C II Tactical Training Qualification Campaigns by Maple Flag Missions

  • TAC23, TAC24 and TAC25 missions for the A-10C II campaign. Corrected radio issue.
  • TAC23, TAC24 and TAC25 missions for both A-10C and A-10C II campaigns. Corrected crashing rescue helo.

DCS: UH-1H Peacekeeper Lebanon Campaign by Flying Cyking

  • Mission 01. Adjusted ADF Almirante Lynch Frequency to 380Khz to Avoid overlap with Gecitkale overlap. Adjusted Kneeboard with new frequency. Adjusted Voice Overs with ADF Frequency. Rework of approaching ship VO, taken out the black smoke advice. Smoke is white now. Subtitle correction. 
  • Mission 05. Further Hover Trigger adjustment. Switched off Nav Radio by Default in Hot Start Version to avoid annoying beep beep tone. 
  • Mission 09. Checked Camp Marjayoun rearm function and resaved Mission due to some players seem to have problems with rearming at the camp. Cannot reproduce.

DCS: F/A-18C Arctic Thunder Campaign by Baltic Dragon

  • M01: added safeguard to encounter with Backfire; added clearer instructions for the player during intercept phase 
  • M02: fixed a bug with mission stalling when Rovaniemi air defences take out enemy missiles; fixed several floating statics at Vuojarvi airstrip; fixed missing tower call. 
  • M03: updated placement of some statics at Vuojarvi; fixed Bullseye waypoint number on the kneeboard. 
  • M04: fixed placement of some statics at Vuojarvi; removed debug message; updated placement of objects at the hill (last part of mission)

DCS: A-10CII Iron Flag Campaign by Baltic Dragon

  • M 1-5: Updated most subtitles for better consistency; updated manual reference pages.

DCS: F/A-18C Raven One Dominant Fury Campaign by Baltic Dragon

  • All missions: fixed the S-3 skins broken with the last update. 
  • M03-07: updated mission to new standard with I/R system removing the SPACE BAR presses, seamless frequency changes, datalink etc. Fixed issues with too much radio static. 
  • M07: fixed issue with smoke not appearing on the water for target practice

DCS: F/A-18C Raven One Campaign by Baltic Dragon

  • M02: fixed problems with Smoke refusing to refuel during the mission 
  • M03: fixed problems with wingman not refueling during the mission. 
  • M06: fixed issue with script error during the flight 
  • M10: updated push time to take into account longer launch process; fixed rare issue with first SAM hitting the player; fixed problem with flight lead flying on afterburner most of the way to the target.

DCS: F/A-18C Operation Green Line by Badger633

  • Missions 8, 9 ,11, 12: Mig Weapons adjusted ACE level.

DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion by Badger633

  • Missions 3 all variants: F4 incorrect attack fixed.
  • Mission 9 normal variant: 420 not followfixed

DCS: F/A-18C Operation Cerberus North by Ground Pounder Sims

  • Mission 16 Part 3 - Fixed incorrect data link ID
  • Mission 2 - Various minor fixes and updates, minor alterations to briefing
  • Mission 3 - Various minor fixes and updates

DCS: F-16C Last Out Weasels Over Syria 2 by Ground Pounder Sims

  • Mission 1 - Ship not engaging - fixed
  • Mission 10 - Fixed rare chance of triggering the ‘engage Mig’ and ‘avoid Mig’ outcomes simultaneously
  • Mission - 13 - Improved failsafes on AI triggers during SA-11 phase

DCS: AV-8B Kerman Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims

  • Mission 5 - Minor adjustments to AI behaviour when bombing tanks.
  • Mission 6 - Moved Chieftain closer to reduce radio degradation
  • Mission 7 - Minor adjustments to AI behaviour when bombing tanks

DCS: P-51D Blue Nose Bastards of Bodney Campaign  by Reflected Simulations

  • Removed MW50 for 109s
  • Bf-109 skin updates

DCS: Spitfire LF Mk. IX The Big Show Campaign  by Reflected Simulations

  • Bf 109 skin updates
  • Typo fixes

DCS: P-51D Debden Eagles Campaign  by Reflected Simulations

  • Removed MW50 for Bf 109s
  • Bf 109 skin updates

DCS: FW 190 A-8 Horrido! Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Bf 109 skin updates

DCS: Bf 109 K-4 Jagdflieger Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Lead no longer has MW50 so that he doesn't use it during climbing
  • Bf 109 skin updates

DCS: P-47D Wolfpack Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • 109 skin updates

DCS: UH-1H Paradise Lost Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • F-5 skin assignment fixes

DCS: F-14A Zone 5 Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • F-5 skin assignment fixes
  • Some F-5s had all aspect Atolls - fixed

DCS: Spitfire LF Mk. IX Beware! Beware! Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Bf 109 skin updates

DCS: Mosquito FB VI - V for Victory Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Bf 109 skin updates

DCS: F-16C Arctic Thunder Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Cross runway ATC message comes at the holdshort point now.
  • Mission 9 safeguard triggers added
  • Mission 9 kneeboard weather data fixed
  • Typo fixed in the startup sequence
  • Mission 4 typo fixed in briefing and target photos
20 jan

DCS Core

  • Aircraft AI. B-52. Incorrect connection during refueling - fixed
  • Aircraft AI. Helicopters cannot retrieve cargo from moving ship - fixed
  • Aircraft AI. Ka-50. Rotor tip lights do not match blade tips - fixed
  • Aircraft AI. AI BF-109 still benefiting from MW50 even if the MW50 tank is set to empty- fixed
  • Aircraft AI. AI aircraft do not consider obstacles after landing and ram other planes on taxiways - fixed
  • Aircraft AI. S-3B refueling lights adjustment
  • Aircraft AI. WW2 Vic formation No.4 can't keep up - fixed
  • Aircraft AI. KC-135MPRS Losing altitude when called up as tanker - fixed
  • Ship AI. Fixed 054A CIWS
  • Ship AI. Fixed 071 livery
  • Ship AI. LS Ropucha damaged LOD missing - fixed
  • Countries. Mi-8MTV2 added to Iraq
  • Dedicated Server. Server completely breaks down when the mission stops in Web GUI - fixed
  • Dedicated Server. Missions list shuffle function do not work - fixed
  • Graphics. Fix artifacts on clouds
  • Graphics. Fix for artifacts at intersection with fog when camera is placed directly on top layer of the fog
  • Ground AI. JTAC is capable off to continue use lase and use IR pointer after his destruction - fixed
  • Ground AI. JTAC. IR pointer is not shifted to other target - fixed
  • Ground AI. KS-19 sounder fixed
  • Ground AI. New sounds for Flak 38
  • Ground AI. New sounds for Flak M42 37mm and Twin Bofors 40mm, autocannon settings sound update
  • Ground AI. New sounds for Oerlikon 20mm Gun
  • Ground AI. New sounds for S-60 57mm gun + minor fixes
  • Ground AI. New sounds for twin and quad 20mm Flak gun
  • Ground AI. S75 ZIL truck model issue with windshield fixed
  • Ground AI. Added desert camo and updated other liveries for T-72B3
  • Ground AI. Sound Update for cannons
  • Ground AI. Added civilian Ural trucks models and updated liveries
  • GUI. Radio messages clipped by F10 map bar - fixed
  • GUI. Message history window won't close after exiting track - fixed
  • GUI. Most logbook A-10 patches are not usable - fixed
  • Scripting API. onPlayerTryChangeSlot() not called for dynamic spawns - fixed
  • MP. Events of user draw visibility control doesn't applied to client connected after trigger was fired - fixed
  • MP. FARP warehouses not synchronized on player join - fixed
  • Weapons. Active Maverick camera starts to shake at certain camera angles - fixed
  • Weapons. AGM-114L. In the case where not the entire target is visible in the AH-64 sighting system, the missile will hit the designated target, and not the neighboring ones.
  • Weapons. BLG-66 animation corrected
  • Weapons. Buk SA-11. 9M38 missile guidance method changed to proportional navigation
  • Weapons. FFAR Mk 5 engine fire is detached far from exhaust nozzle - fixed
  • Weapons. IR missiles began to ignore flares more often - fixed. Flare efficiency has been returned to previous values.
  • Weapons. Kh-29T. Eliminate erratic maneuvers to the loft trajectory transition
  • Weapons. SA-2, V-755 missile. Liquid engine smoke of second stage tuned. Added inversion contrail at low temperature.
  • Weapons. Оnce LS-6-500 bomb it is released from the pylon, it transforms into an LS-6-250 bomb - fixed
  • Weapons. Rail launcher disappear after helicopter fires last missile against air targets - fixed 
  • NS430 memory leak - fixed

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed Crash when click OVRD on MFD.
  • Fixed: Radar elevation control freeze after fail to track in VSR.
  • Fixed:  RWS DTT attempting to drop single track drops both and resets radar back to search.
  • Fixed:  While in STT the radar footprint freezes in HSD in the last azimuth setting and does not follow the target.
  • Fixed: HMCS Boresight locking - No rad but locking anyway.
  • Fixed: A-A radar false targets appear with radar not emitting.
  • Fixed: AGM-154A fired off angle but in-zone has a chance of not guiding.
  • Fixed: FCR TWS Can reset/drop track even if radar maintains trackfile/trackfile is not dropped.

DCS: F/A-18C by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: EXP radar scanning speed and aperture seems tied to aircraft's speed.
  • Fixed: If Auto CPL is used with TOT it does not account for the waypoints in the sequence.
  • Fixed: DL13 display no longer shows the video feed from the AGM-62 Walleye before launch.

DCS: AH-64D by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added default value of the VRS audio notification in the Special Options to disabled/un-checked.
  • Fixed crash when George AI try detect targets.
  • Fixed crash when trying to display all targets (left long) in the George target list. (Crash in DLC Mission).
  • Fixed: George AI detects unactivated units and fires at them.
  • Fixed: George AI does not see the targets when fog is in Auto mod.
  • Fixed: When the aircraft is at a sufficient bank angle (estimating >20 degrees perhaps) and slew inputs are applied to the TADS with LMC enabled, the LMC slew behavior becomes bizarre.
  • Fixed: FCR RF Handover does not work with the front seater.
  • Fixed: TSD Cursor show option should be independent between phases.
  • Fixed: Closing AI Interface while player is in CPG seat is disabling C-Scope in CPG crewstation.
  • Fixed: Wheel сhocks miss texture.

DCS: Supercarrier by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: Starting cold & dark the crew will not direct planes (multiplayer).
  • Forced option 'disable deck crew' don't work.
  • Fixed: Switching to Airboss view shows incomplete player aircraft.
  • Fixed: Wheel chocks are placed permanently in some cases.
  • Fixed: Stuck at Awaiting requested crew member.
  • Fixed: MT IFLOS lights are difficult to see.

DCS: F-5E  by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed errors in liveries:
    • Added tie-down hooks (under the fuselage and under the wings) to the Aggressors. Changed the side numbers.
    • Removed the extra antenna on the Swiss and Austrian aircraft, under the fuselage in the nose.
    • Made a version of the antenna set for the 70s on the MiG-28, as well as on the Vietnamese and Iranian liveries. Removed the RWR antennas and installed a Skyspot antenna. Partially painted over the steel plates on the engine nacelles.
    • Returned the formation lights to some liveries.
    • Added protective brushes to the gaps under the flap rod on the fuselage.
    • Removed and corrected several minor errors and inaccuracies in the liveries.
  • Added  template.
  • Added livery:
    • Aggressor VFC-13 11
    • Aggressor VFC-13 21
    • Sundowners VFC-111 01
    • USAF "Southeast Asia"
    • IRIAF F-5E Standard
    • IRIAF - 43rd TFS
    • IRIAF - 41rd TFS
  • Fixed: Some activities take up to 5 times longer.
  • Fixed: Attitude Indicator rotation is backwards.
  • Fixed: Flight Manual - Errors and typos in Hydraulic Systems diagram.
  • Fixed: The antenna crashes into the hatch.
  • Fixed: Fix the profile shape of the front of the suspension tank.
  • Fixed: The texture of the cross under the screwdriver has shifted from the screw cap and dirt.
  • Fixed: The RWR antenna is missing, on the rear, on the right.

DCS: Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: “Launcher arm” usage leads to rockets being fired in some cases
  • Fixed: Petrovich AI does not see the targets when fog is in Auto mod.

DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: Helicopter weight is different from the one that was set in ME in certain cases

DCS: Flaming Cliffs 2024 by Eagle Dynamics

  • А-10A. Added new IA missions for Marianas and Caucasus
  • Su-25. Added new IA missions for Caucasus
  • MiG-29. Added new IA missions for Afghanistan
  • F-15C. Added new IA combat missions for Marianas

DCS Mirage F1 by Aerges

Input and clickability:

  • Clickability of F1BE rear canopy left handle (“Canopy open/close”) is now operative.
  • F1BE ejection handles clickspots tooltips were updated (the word “Alternative” was removed).
  • Fixed some 'Wrong connector name' messages in dcs.log.
  • Removed 'Fuel transfer sequence selector switch' from F1BE input as being not applicable to that version.
  • Both TRAP 136 (“Green”) and TRAP 137B (“Red”) radio panels frequency, channel and function selectors can now be controlled by both left/right mouse buttons and by mouse wheel.
  • IFF Mode 1 and Mode 3A code selectors now work with both left/right mouse buttons, as well as with mouse wheel.
  • F1EE IDN "Additional vector bearing/distance adjustment switch" values of acceleration with time were reviewed to make fine adjustments possible.

Systems and general:

  • Pylon loadout configuration standardized with modern DCS standards: Now the default setup is empty pylons but pylons can be removed to have a 'clean' aircraft.
  • Fixed engine fire lights that stayed lit after all electrics were turned off.
  • The F1BE rear seat safety pin doesn't block the front seat ejection anymore.
  • F1BE rear seat VOR/ILS control panel is now properly initialized to 'ON' state at hot start.
  • Fixed pre-programmed radio frequencies of F1BE and F1EE Iraq quickstart missions.
  • F1BE rear seat cockpit lighting is off, and rear seat safety pin is installed now when the 'Solo Flight' option is enabled.

DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev

  • CLB-200, BIN-200, BR-250 and BR-500 models improved.
  • Jettisoned canopy is restored now at aircraft repair.
  • Batteries’ temperature and capacity are now restored to initial values at aircraft repair.
  • Rear seat cockpit lighting is off, and rear seat safety pin is installed now when 'Solo Flight' option is enabled.

DCS: MB-339A/PAN by IndiaFoxtEcho Visual Simulations

  • Fixed: ADI does not move when mission starts in cold & dark

DCS: MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3

  • Increased radar return signature brightness
  • Added missing pointers for VR controls

DCS: Christen Eagle II by Magnitude 3

  • Fixed floating radio and fuel gauge displays
  • Fixed propeller blur effect


DCS: P-47D Wolfpack Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Formation updates

P-51D: The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Fixed some spawn error bugs

DCS: F-14B Operation Sandworm Campaign by Sandman Simulations

  • All missions – More adjustments to get the taxi director work as it should
  • Mission 1 – Taxi director forced off to enable player to taxi right back to catapult after recovery
  • Mission 4 – trigger zones adjusted
  • Mission 4 – tanker holding area adjusted
  • Mission 4 – fixes to prevent landing aircraft to stuck on the deck
  • Mission 4 – Fixed missing kneeboard in briefing images
  • Mission 5 – Fixed Enfield 2 returning after launch
  • Mission 8 – Fixed CAS flight not following orders and enemy helo missing

DCS: F/A-18C Inherent Resolve Campaign by Looking Glass

  • Mission 6 - VBIEDS. Adjusted mission fail triggers as reported in ED Forums. Spaced out events to allow better gameplay and SA. Added immortal mode. Made first wave of VBIEDS easier to destroy. Adjusted weather to hot and dusty settings for desert scenario.
  • Mission 7 - Oil Business Part 1. Wingman would not taxi due to changes on Syria map, causing mission to be unplayable - fixed. Added IMMORTAL MODE for training purposes. Moved SAMS. Moved tankers closer and fixed error. Improved mission ending and flypast.
  • Mission 9 - The Oil Business - Part 3. Adjusted bomb fusing for CBU-99.

P-51D: The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Mission 11 spawn issue fixed
  • Kill markings added to skins

Spitfire IX The Big Show Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Mission 6 - heading typo corrected on briefing map

DCS: P-47D Wolfpack Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Performance optimization
  • Mission 11 48 ship formation fix
  • Correct markings for the actual squadron COs
  • Updated the order of battle slides with names
  • Clear prop callouts from other pilots
  • Crew chief image added
  • Optional radio news broadcasts added to most missions
  • Pilots notes included for the correct version of P-47D
  • New UI Background and loading screen
  • Kill markings and further skin fixes
  • Campaign end cutscene added

DCS: F-14A Fear the Bones Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Mission 7 missile defense improved
  • Mission 13 - Mayday parade smokes rearranged for better visibility

DCS: F-16C Arctic Thunder Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Typo fixes
  • M3 Comms tower added for consistency with the Hornet campaign

DCS; F/A-18C Serpent’s Head 2 by Badger633

  • Missions 1,4 to 6, 8 to10: Super Carrier variants: Carrier taxi and parking order fixed

DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion 1by Badger633

  • Missions 2,3,6 to 9, 12 to 15 all variants: Carrier taxi and parking order fixed

DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion 2 by Badger633

  • Missions 9 Part B all variants: Mig attack adjusted.
  • Missions 3 to 8 and 10 to 13 all variants: Carrier taxi and parking order fixed

DCS: F/A-18C Operation Green Line by Badger633

  • Missions 3: Radio call corrected, Carrier taxi and parking order fixed.
  • Missions 1,4,6,9,10 to 12: Carrier taxi and parking order fixed.
  • Mission 2: Red’s formations eased to stop crashes due to AI changes.
  • Mission 5: Matrix not following Ford fixed, Typo in brief corrected, Carrier taxi and parking order fixed.Brief
  • Mission 5: Typo corrected.

DCS: F/A-18C Arctic Thunder Campaign by Baltic Dragon

  • Horizontal: added document with scoring to campaign docs
  • M01: added safeguard to encounter with Backfire; added clearer instructions for the player during intercept phase;
  • M02: fixed a bug with mission stalling when Rovaniemi air defences take out enemy missiles; fixed several floating statics at Vuojarvi airstrip; fixed missing tower call.
  • M03: updated placement of some statics at Vuojarvi; fixed Bullseye waypoint number on the kneeboard.
  • M04: fixed placement of some statics at Vuojarvi; removed debug message; updated placement of objects at the hill (last part of mission)

DCS: UH-1H Peacekeeper Lebanon Campaign by Flying Cyking

  • Mission 1: Adjusted ADF Almirante Lynch Frequency to 380Khz to Avoid overlap with Gecitkale overlap. Adjusted Kneeboard with new frequency. Adjusted Voice Overs with ADF Frequency. Rework of approaching ship VO, taken out the black smoke advice. Smoke is white now. Subtitle correction.
  • Mission 5: Further Hover Trigger adjustment. Switched off Nav Radio by Default in Hot Start Version to avoid annoying beep beep tone.
  • Mission 6: Checked Camp Marjayoun rearm function and resaved Mission due to some players seem to have problems with rearming at the camp. Cannot reproduce.
  • Mission 10: Adjustments of Briefing text.
24 dec

Added free pack of high fidelity 3D models. Assets free of charge: B-1B, B-52H, S-3B (and tanker), SA-10 (S-300 SAM), M1A2, M1A2C SEP v3, MRAP MaxxPro, Centurion C-RAM.


  • Added a new Spotting Dots option which is replacing the “improved spotting dots” option. Improved spotting dots functionality which makes spotting dots independent from zoom FOV will be active all the time now. With new “Spotting Dot” setting you will be able to set: 
    • OFF - to switch spotting dots off completely
    • AUTO - automatic spotting dot size calculation based on monitor or VR hardware parameters (how it worked before)
    • 1 pixel size spotting dots
    • 2 pixel size spotting dots
      Also this setting is added to the mission editor and can be enforced through mission.
  • Spotting dots. Quad views peripheral render target spotting dot size forced to size 1 if dots are on
  • Sound. New mortar and cannon sounds and shells sonic boom sound added 
  • AI Aircraft.  if an AI AV-8B is set to takeoff from ground or takes off from a FARP, they will vertically climb to ~1000ft and then stop, immediately nose over, and crash - fixed
  • AI Aircraft. AI incorrect half loop maneuver calculation for the attack ending in ground collision - fixed
  • AI Aircraft. MQ-1A/RQ-1A Predator. Corrupt damage model - fixed
  • AI Aircraft. Aircraft AI can spot ground and air units through dense fog - fixed
  • AI Aircraft. Adjusted KC135 to maintain 25 degrees angle of bank for every turn
  • AI Aircraft. Helicopter AI calculate evasive maneuvers above water using sea floor and not water level altitude which ends up in crashes into water sometime - fixed 
  • AI Aircraft. When AI helicopter has "Ground Escort" task set, it stops using flares for IR missile defense - fixed
  • AI Aircraft. Caucasus. Adler airfield. The AI wingman stands in line behind the parked lead aircraft and stops - fixed
  • AI Aircraft. AI pilots look left when taking off from Supercarrier - fixed.
  • AI Ships. Submarine water trail visible when submerged - fixed.
  • AI Ground. Sounds from some vehicles fade over time - fixed
  • Weapons. SA-2. V-750 missile. Decreased G-limit from 17 to 6.
  • Weapons. SA-3, 5V27 missile. Decreased G-limit from 16 to 6. Decreased counter-countermeasures level. Change liquid motor smoke tail to solid fuel. Decreased size of motor smoke plume.
  • Weapons. SA-5, 5V28 missile. Slightly decreased G-limit from 12 to 10. Slightly decreased counter-countermeasures level. Decreased second stage smoke transparency.
  • Weapons. Kh-25 and Kh-29 missile family. Total autopilot and seeker upgrade.
  • Weapons. AGM-88. Adjusted motor smoke. Added param of transparency of motor smoke depends on temperature (altitude).
  • Weapons. AIM-9 family. Smoke transparency tuning.
  • Weapons. Sea Dart SAM.  Fuze parameters adjusted.
  • Weapons. AIs interceptors will be able to intercept cruise missiles.
  • Weapons. SM SAM. First SM missile goes to zenit without guidance to target - fixed.
  • Weapons. Improved BLG-66 Belouga bomblets release sequence
  • Weapons. Added new loadout definitions for AUF2 double point pylons with different bombs (Mirage F1 usage)
  • Weapons. Now Air-to-Air IR missiles take into account the transparency and density of fog when calculating the visibility range of a target.
  • Weapons. AIM-120. Changed coefficient of guidance system to increase agility to counter of the high-G roll maneuver.
  • Graphics. IR marker beam visible in daytime TV display - fixed.
  • ME. Added trigger "Smoke Marker Stop" and "Smoke Marker on Unit Stop” for the coloured target marking smoke.
  • ME. Added trigger functionality to allow individual drawings to be shown or hidden
  • ME. Improved advanced waypoint action for unload more than one cargo ability
  • ME. Cargo without the flag OBJECT CANNOT BE CARGO is still in the ALL CARGO radio menu - Fixed<.
  • ME. Multi-select tool. impossible to rotate any units when loading into a mission with units already placed, or loading in templates - fixed 
  • Scripting API. Experimental fix for server crash after world.removeJunk being used (hosters please test, we are looking for feedback)

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

  • Improved HUD Limited Refresh Rate (made airspeed, altitude and acceleration update rates fixed at a set refresh rate. As such, faster rates of change will result in skipped values. The acceleration updates are slightly faster than velocity and acceleration).
  • Improvement - Specific excess power. Based on user feedback, the difference in energy loss in the FM and E-M diagrams of instantaneous turn rates was noted. On the left edge (high angles of attack AoA >15 and low speeds below M<0.7), excessive energy loss (airspeed loss) was confirmed. On the right edge of the E-M diagram (M>0.7 and angles of attack AoA<15), there was noticeably insufficient energy loss. The left edge has been corrected, and energy loss has been reduced (closer to the reference points). Work on the right edge continues and will be resolved in a later update.
  • Fixed: Impossible to enter a deep stall.
  • Fixed: Excessive YAW With Roll Inputs in Landing Config.
  • Fixed: FCR entering STT deletes all trackfiles.
  • Fixed: RWS STT returns to search after TMS aft instead of SAM.
  • Fixed: ACM Bore does not lock targets beyond 10nm even with longer range selected.
  • Fixed: FCR TWS target altitude differently rounded between bugged and system targets.
  • Fixed: FCR trackfile information (aspect/speed/etc) are shown as all zeroes when first designating a track file.
  • Fixed: FCR Has a chance to drop track completely when commanding STT on TWS Bugged target.
  • Fixed: Aiming marks recalculate position way too fast. Results in CCIP mark flicker.
  • Fixed: External fuel transfer when AIR SOURCE in RAM.
  • Fixed: A-G Radar image goes sideways when the scanning zone limit is reached.
  • Fixed: AGM-65 VIS next maverick after firing no longer space stabilized/slaved to SPI.
  • Fixed: When radar antenna comes to maximum angle of deflection ground surface render starts its movement within MFD screen.
  • Fixed: FCR does not remember submode after emergency jettison or master mode change
  • Revised/Updated F-16C Early Access Guide
    • New Navigation chapter
    • New Tactical Employment chapter
    • Revised Radio Communications chapter
    • Revised Datalink chapter (work-in-progess)
    • Revised Appendix A - Added more checklists, added checklist index, and added hyperlinks on all checklist pages to return back to main index.
    • Other updates/revisions:
      • Hands-On Controls functions/commands
      • DED pages
      • Autopilot
      • RWR and CMDS Modes

DCS: F/A-18C by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed crash on weapons avionics.
  • Added Gray Scale on MAP Ground Radar.
  • Fixed: Texture FPU_8A_VMFA251 not found.
  • Fixed: When user creates waypoint names in the editor blank waypoint will use another waypoints name.
  • Fixed: Hot start aircraft sets INS to NAV instead of IFA.

DCS: AH-64D by Eagle Dynamics

Improvement of the flight model and SCAS.

  • Improvement. The characteristic of the increase in the thrust of the main rotor has been refined in the speed range of 0-10 m/s (the helicopter's behavior at the moment of nose tilt to accelerate and when hovering after deceleration will become more realistic).
  • Improvement. There was overly sensitive yaw control.
    • The sensitivity of the control in the heading channel has been significantly reduced. Now the increase in angular velocity with a 1-inch pedal movement has been reduced by about 25%, which is beneficial for improving the comfort of control.
  • Improvement. There was overly sensitive pitch control.
    • The main rotor rotation characteristics in roll and pitch have been adjusted, which has slightly reduced the control sensitivity in the roll and pitch channels.
  • The VRS (vortex-ring state) phenomenon of the Main rotor. 
    • Additional game notification about the VRS phenomenon. The player has been given the option to turn on sound and visual notifications about the onset of the phenomenon and its progress. Enabling/disabling is carried out in the SPECIAL tab in the module settings.
    • The conditions for the occurrence of the VRS phenomenon on the Main rotor have been reworked. Now the Main rotor "entry" into the VRS phenomenon takes a little longer than before. In addition, the critical vertical descent speed that leads to the appearance of VRS is no longer a "strict" value, which increases the realism of “entering” in VRS mode.
    • During an autorotation landing with the engines running, the helicopter could previously have been in the VRS phenomenon. Fixed
  • Animation of the Main rotor cone tilt disappeared.
    • There was no reaction of the rotor cone to the deflection of the helicopter cyclic stick - Fixed
  • Helicopter SCAS.
    • When hovering with Position Hold enabled, a slight drift would sometimes occur - Fixed
    • Independent deactivation of roll and pitch channel in ATT-hold mode. For ATT-Hold mode, separate disabling has been added in the roll and pitch channels if the disabling conditions have occurred only in one of the channels (previously, both channels were disabled if the disabling conditions occurred only for roll, for example). Displayed on the controls  indicator.
    • The efficiency of the SCAS response has been increased when controlling the pilot and in the ATT-Hold (Position, Velocity, Attitude) mode family:
      • When controlling the pilot
      • the SCAS "blurs" the increase in angular velocity from the cyclic stick and pedals, thereby giving the pilot a little more time for piloting accuracy, which increases piloting comfort;
      • In the ATT-Hold mode family the SCAS reacts more sensitively to changes, trying to compensate for the deviation from the specified mode/parameter in the "bud".
  • Helicopter SCAS - known issues
  • When turning ON or OFF the Position-Hold  mode, several damped oscillations in roll and/or pitch may occur
  • Added AI George interface enhancements for color-blind players. May be selected in the SPECIAL tab in the module settings.
  • Modify the George-as-CPG interface.
  • Fixed: Graphic glitch with cockpit displays when George finds targets during new Area search.
  • Fixed: Enroute "Distance to Point" value calculated very wrong.
  • Fixed: FIRE MSLS and LASE # TRGT message errors.
  • Fixed: TADS camera clips through model.
  • Fixed; George AI sees the target through the fog.

DCS: Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics

DCS: UH-1H Huey by Eagle Dynamics

  • Created and implemented distant engine and main and tail rotors sounds. Adjusted sound radius.

DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added information about radio channels and frequencies to the kneeboard

DCS: CH-47F by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added. Trimmer options
  • Added. Trimming with HAT on stick
  • Added. Windshield wipers
  • Fixed. Wipers knob park position isn’t spring loaded
  • Fixed. Cyclic position for air start
  • Fixed. LCT indicator scale
  • Fixed. Ground crew fail to repair engines
  • Fixed. LCT schedule corrected
  • Fixed. IR strobe pattern for MP
  • Fixed. Ramp visualisation
  • Improved. DASH tweaks
  • Improved. Crew animation become faster when switching seats
  • Improved. Further work on CDU pages

DCS: P-47D Thunderbolt by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed. Engine degraded with WEP usage

DCS: FW-190A-8 by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed. Cockpit glass

DCS: Supercarrier by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed:  Dynamic Spawn - Spawn on other players.
  • Fixed: Animation sticking after client exits.
  • Fixed: "Waiting for ATC Status" Message displayed in campaigns.
  • Fixed: IFLOS Lights showing backwards.
  • Fixed: Client doesn't get taxiing permission ("Awaiting requested crew member").
  • Fixed: No directors - Cat crew only launch 1st aircraft.
  • Fixed: AI carrier taxiing decreased dt, smooth break and pilot view correction.
  • Fixed: Taxi crew stuck in multiplayer with Awaiting crew 1 idle message.
  • Fixed: Wheel chock wont be placed when teleport to hangar (F/A-18C, F-14A/B).
  • Fixed: Velocity limit option works if turned OFF.
  • Fixed: Deck Crew Problems AI F-14s.
  • Fixed: AI on sixpack can't taxi.
  • Fixed: Yellow shirt director repeats 'stop' gesture.
  • Fixed: The director teleports after assigning a player to the next one, apparently teleporting to his initial point.
  • Fixed: Frequent change of commands by the director (Stop - Come forward) when taxi on the deck.

Known issues: Forced option 'disable deck crew' don't work -  in order to create a mission with the deck crew disabled, you need to disable it in the general options.

DCS: F-5E3 Remastered

  • Added animation of shaking elements in the cockpit.
  • Added wingtip shake at high AOA.
  • Added LERX vapor trails.
  • Fixed: RWR Button Dimmer doesn't work as expected.
  • Fixed: Cannot open and close the service hatch panels.
  • Fixed: Incorrect theme loading picture if another theme is applied.
  • Fixed: Static aircraft parking lot.

DCS: OH-58D Kiowa Warrior by Polychop Simulations

  • Fixed CTD when using VOIP PTT
  • Fixed: Inputs for:
    • Joystick inputs for Autostart / Autoshutdown
    • Radio hats and animations
    • Floodlight, position lights and blower switches
    • WPN/ASE, LMC, ACK/REC switches
  • Fixed: Multicrew flares
  • Fixed: Multicrew target points

DCS: SA-342 Gazelle by Polychop Simulations

  • Fixed: Minigun axis limits
  • Fixed: Duplicate HOT and Mistral missile definitions removed

DCS: MB-339A/PAN by IndiaFoxtEcho Visual Simulations

  • Missing missing update of the previous DCS patch:
    • Fixed: Stand-by ADI not caged when mission starts cold & dark
    • Fixed: hundreds rotary of GunSight mills needs 9 clicks to go from 0 to 1
    • Improved: Flight Director bars visibility

DCS: JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations

  • Fixed: some tiny bugs of radar/datalink contact fusion

DCS Mirage F1 by Aerges


  • Automatic firing of radar guided missiles is fixed.
  • Fixed 'Nose wheel steering high sensitivity button' not popping out after nose wheel gear lift off, when autostart was performed before.
  • Changed F1CE/BE IDN logic in TE mode - the wide needle will stay at the last valid position instead of going to 0, when a TACAN station is not received.
  • Corrected bug in which, with additional vector selected and no TACAN signal, the wide needle always pointed to the West.


  • Fixed an issue with radios that were not tuning to Easy Comms frequency, if attempted to do this while being in AR (OFF) mode (but with electric bus power being available).
  • A radio will not be attempted to be autotuned in Easy Comms if it is not currently provided with electric bus power.
  • F1BE: Only TRAP-136 can be used now for Easy Comms frequency autotune from the rear seat.
  • F1BE: With Easy Comms option enabled, TRAP-136 priority is automatically switched to the seat from which the radio dialog was activated.
  • F1BE: Now the other seat radio panel is not affected by Easy Comms autotune. I.e., when TRAP-136 communication is activated from the rear seat, the forward seat panel frequency/mode is not changed, and vice versa.


  • Added several Single and Quick Start Afghanistan map missions (Mirage F1 CE, EE and BE).
  • Added Iraq Quick Start and Single missions.
  • Fixed texture of Mirage F1EE weapons panel integral light.
  • Fixed the issue with several weapons appearing rotated 90º on their pylons.

DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev

  • A radio will not be attempted to be autotuned in Easy Comms if it is not currently provided with electric power.
  • Now, in Easy Comms, always a radio of the current seat is used for frequency autotune. Accordingly, the radio priority is automatically switched to that seat.
  • Custom (defined in the module) Belouga BLG66 bombs were replaced by DCS standard ones.
  • Improved textures of CBL200, as well as of AN-M3 and DEFA-553 gun pods.
  • Fixed the issue with several weapons appearing rotated 90º on their pylons.

DCS: South Atlantic by RAZBAM Simulations


  • Introduction of Winter Textures with emphasis on providing Ultra-High detail around the Falklands Island
  • High-detail custom normal maps for the entire Falkland Islands
  • New Normal maps across Argentina / Chile


  • Further enhancements to ground vegetation, delivering a more realistic look and feel across the entire map

NOTE: June is the summer hemispheres winter and as the default date for the South Atlantic map is June the default will be winter

DCS: Kola map by Orbx


  • Added Bardufoss Airfield
  • Added Kattila Airfield


  • Added TACAN at Andoya airfield
  • Added towns next to new airfields
  • Enhancement to the terrain visual quality from lowish level
  • First pass optimization for some blocks


DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion Campaign by Badger 633

  • Missions 10 all variants: Dodge not carrying out SEAD, fixed.
  • Missions 8 and 13 all variants: Targets not visible new dust, fixed.

DCS: F/A-18C Inherent Resolve Campaign by Looking Glass

  • Changes: Removed ‘hot start’ versions. Unfortunately created too much work to support/test. This will mean campaign is restarted, however mission are skippable. Over 100 improvements made to two missions below. Rebuilt missions to override bugs in previous DCS updates. Updated skins for F-16 and bort numbers. 
  • Mission 7 - Oil Business Part 1. Wingman would not taxi due to changes on Syria map, causing mission to be unplayable - fixed. Added IMMORTAL MODE for training purposes. Moved SAMs. Moved tankers closer and fixed error. Improved mission ending and flypast flow better.
  • Mission 8 - The Oil Business - Part 2. Fixed bug from ED forums - no mission progression after destroying S-60 artillery sites. Fixed bug as map changed, ground vehicles now route correctly. Dozens of mission tweaks to improve gameplay. Improved attack options for bunker strike, player options, wingman push, audio. Improved ambush location and timings, player options, wingman push, audio. Overall flow of mission after destroying targets. Various cosmetic and naming changes. Strike package now hit more oil derricks. Added smoke effects. Added more infantry and ground units to target area. Saddle fixed. Updated Kneeboard and Mission BRIEF docs.
  • Mission 9 - The Oil Business - Part 3 (Oil Convoys). Fixed bug - no mission progression after arrival raqqa. Over 47 tweaks to improve gameplay implemented/tested. Added Hard Mode with Red Air. Tweaked convoy sizes/lethality. Tweaked timings. Adjusted and added new AAA fire for FX. Tested Air support and improved for F-15E, F-16C escorts. Improved Tanker locations. Updated Kneeboard and Mission BRIEF docs.

DCS: A-10C Operation Agile Spear Campaign by Combat King Simulations

  • Missions 2 & 3: Player reports not able to "see" other aircraft in the flight via datalink. Confirmed. 
  • All missions reviewed and all Link16 settings updated.
  • All missions verified and updated Advanced Waypoint Actions.

DCS: P-47D Wolfpack Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • More accurate formations
  • Larger scale takeoff sequences
  • Miller's Mayhem 2 has a Mk.8 gunsight now for historical accuracy
  • Skin update - kill markings added, correct bort number font
  • Consistent parking spots per squadron
  • Doc updates

DCS: P-51D Debden Eagles Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Bonus mission fixes
  • More accurate formations

DCS: F-16C Arctic Thunder Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Typo fixes
  • Finnair skin not showing fixed
  • Mission 1 - ICP buttons remain stuck after auto setup fixed
  • Unlimited fuel option accidentally disabled - fixed
  • Mission 3 - first strikers deactivated just in case the player doesn't pay attention to the AWACS

F-5E Aggressors Basic Fighter Maneuvers Campaign by Maple Flag Missions

  • Updated F-5E skins to new Aggressor skins.

F-5E Aggressors Air Combat Maneuver Campaign by Maple Flag Missions

  • Updated F-5E skins to new Aggressor skins.

DCS: F/A-18C Flaming Sunrise Campaign by Sandman Simulations

  • Mission 2 – Tutorial fixed for the taxi director update

DCS: F/A-18C Operation Mountain Breeze Campaign by Sandman Simulations

  • M14 – GBU laser code fixed

DCS: F-14B Operation Sandworm Campaign by Sandman Simulations

  • M5 & 7 – Deck rearrangements to enable the taxi director to work correctly

DCS: P-51D: The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • More accurate formations

DCS: F/A-18C: Serpent’s Head 2 by Badger633

  • Missions 8 Super: Carrier variants: Tacan fixed

DCS: F-16C First In Weasels Over Syria Campaign

  • All missions - Fixed static object locations following updates to H4 airbase.
  • Mission 10 - Added failsafes to prevent AI mid air collision triggering a mission fail.

DCS: F/A-18C Operation Cerberus North by Ground Pounder Sims

  • All missions - Minor adjustment to campaign ATC
  • Mission 1 - Revisited mission for various minor updates and fixes.

DCS: A-10CII Iron Flag Campaign by Baltic Dragon

  • All missions: Added new DATALINK capabilities (there are some small issues in some missions that will be polished). Improved quality of communications on FM radio.
  • M01: Updated subtitles for Nellis Departure. Added invulnerability for player and IP during takeoff in case the latter decides to ram into player while holding short of the active. Fixed missing comms with taxi instructions after landing.
  • M02: Updated document with frequencies. Fixed issue with missing approach comms.
  • M03: Fixed missing check-in on mission start. Updated kneeboard with correct frequencies.
  • M04: Fixed missing radio check on mission start.
  • M06: Fixed problems with contacting tanker during AAR part. Updated short versions of the mission.
  • M07: Added TGP for player's flight. Swapped Buzzard flight with newer model of F-16s. Removed stock AI comms blocking VOs
  • M09: Fixed wrong radio presets. Fixed comms with VANDAL flight.
  • M10: Fixed wrong frequency for Darkstar.

DCS: F/A-18C Raven One Campaign by Baltic Dragon

  • M03: updated dust / visibility settings; fixed overlapping comms during the attack; player is now invulnerable during IGLA attack.

DCS: F/A-18C Raven One Dominant Fury Campaign by Baltic Dragon

  • M10: fixed problems with Tomcats blocking the launch
11 dec

Introduced a new terrain module: DCS: Iraq map by Eagle Dynamics

Introduced a new terrain module: DCS: Iraq North map by Eagle Dynamics

DCS - Core

  • Resource manager. Warehouse resources dynamically changed by SetItem() don't synchronise for a new client - fixed.
  • VR. VR controllers disappear after selecting the VR tab in settings - fixed.

DCS: CH-47F by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed. Engines cease operation when a second crew member takes a seat in the hot helicopter.

DCS: Supercarrier by Eagle Dynamics

  • Flares are launched when a player disrupts air traffic control and attempts to land without permission - Disabled.

DCS Mirage F1 by Aerges


  • FON light now briefly turns on when starting the engine.
  • F1BE: fixed rear cockpit Standby Horizon indicator initialization with 'Solo Flight' option enabled.
  • F1EE: Fixed nonoperating lights of the Barax control panel.
  • F1BE rear seat 'fuselage tanks selected' light on the fuel quantity gauge was made operational.
  • F1BE. Fixed bug with some lights staying lit at the rear seat without electric power being available.
  • Fixed navigation and formation lights not working in multiplayer for flyable aircraft.
  • Adjusted power on/off dynamics of navigation/formation lights.
  • Adjusted visual look of the landing/taxi light cones.
  • Fixed search light (police light) cone direction - 45º for single seater and and 22º for two seater.
  • Fixed blank radar screen, when '(C+M or SW) R' mode is enabled, and radar modes other than 'HA', 'IC' or 'TEL'/'BZP' are selected. Now the radar will stay in 'IC' mode with '(C+M or SW) R' enabled.
  • F1BE: Fixed radar render in multimonitor configuration.
  • The radar now correctly sets the 'emission active' flag (it is used by AI for emission detection).

Radio and navigation:

  • Fixed not operating test function in TRAP-136 ('Green') radio.
  • Fixed a bug with inability to communicate with a radio station via TRAP-137B, when the attempted frequency is the same as of the preset channel 20.
  • Fixed IDN TACAN flag not showing when TACAN signal is lost.
  • Fixed IDN VOR flag not showing when signal is lost.
  • Fixed IDN TACAN distance showing a non-zero value under the flag when TACAN distance is not available.
  • IDN TACAN bearing now stays at the last known value, when the TACAN station is not received.


  • Fixed not working Monitoring Light 'push' (light test) and 'rotate' (light brightness) actions of the old IFF panel variant.
  • The lights brightness potentiometers of both IFF panels versions are initialized at maximum brightness now (previously was 0).
  • F1BE TRAP-137B ('Red') front seat radio can't be reached from the rear seat anymore.
  • Both radios preset channels animation is now in sync with the corresponding channel selectors animation.
  • Manual gravity drop thumbwheel animation was fixed.
  • Manual gravity drop thumbwheel animation is now accelerated with time when it is set by 'Decrease/Increase' input commands.
  • Fixed 'TACAN mode selector Clockwise/Counterclockwise' commands not reacting on input when the selector has reached OFF or A/A position.
  • F1EE Navigational Indicator 'Additional vector bearing/distance adjustment' switch results now in accelerated bearing/distance change when it is held pressed.

Textures and 3D models:

  • Fixed landing gear wheels animation of the single seater.


  • Replaced custom Belouga BLG66 bombs by DCS standard ones.
  • Added Belouga BLG66 bomb to AUF-2 bomb rack.
  • F1 C-200 (AI) can now carry the BARAX pod.
  • AI now uses bottom strobe and orange tail navigation lights (white tail light will be never though visible as AI uses only steady nav lights pattern).
  • AI now sets formation light brightness according to the current day of time.
  • Improved taxi, takeoff and climb training mission: Forced realistic comms, added instruction to press U + V pushbutton, IFF mode 4 forced not installed and modified several trigger messages.
  • Updated Flight Manual - F1EE IDN description and table.
  • Minor visual fixes in the module Special Options menu.
  • Fixed F1BE Solo Flight checkbox position in ME UI.

DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev

  • Improved textures of the following bombs:
    • BLG66
    • BR-250
    • BR-500
    • BIN-200


DCS: UH-1H The Huey Last Show Campaign by SorelRo

  • Subtitles added to all radio communications and crew chat
  • F-4E updated to the latest F-4E AI
  • Time compression stop during the voice communication
  • Other AI updates

DCS: F-16C The Gamblers Campaign by Baltic Dragon

  • Mission 01: fixed issue with flight lead diverting and not landing at H4.
  • Mission 03: added a note to prevent players from using GBU in certain scenarios which could lead to mission stalling.
  • Mission 06: updated the skin for Jordanian F-16s
4 dec

New fog technology with both automatic and manual generation. Read about this advanced technology in our Volumetric Weather White Paper, check this DCS Mission Editor Improvements video and enjoy a cinematic demonstration in the DCS Ascending video. This update also adds DCS: F-5E Remastered optional update. 

New campaigns:

DCS - Core Game

  • Graphics. Added new fog and dust effects compatible with volumetric clouds. Currently fog affects AI ground vehicles and AI aircraft detection logic - they won't detect targets if fog thickness doesn't allow that. Weapon seekers, sensors and helicopters George AI and Petrovich AI detection fog support are in progress and will come in next updates.    
  • Graphics. Improve Ambient Occlusion effect.
  • Graphics. Increased rendering distance of contrails
  • Graphics. New “Volumetric Lights” setting added
  • ME. Added multi-selection tool that allows to group together units, objects, trigger zones, and drawings into a larger group that can be controlled as a whole using ‘click and drag’.
  • ME. GUI Error when trying to open a Naval group window for a country that does not have a ship available for a certain year - Fixed.
  • Weapons. YJ-83 switched to Harpoon scheme (to fix terminal guidance) - Fixed.
  • Weapons. YJ-62 updated scheme for booster drop animation - Fixed.
  • Weapons. AIM-120 defeat with a barrel roll maneuver - mostly fixed. Tweak of glint filter.
  • Weapons. Corrected Harpoon launch from La Combattante corvette.
  • ATC not approving takeoff the first time - Fixed.
  • View. Draw distance of dead static helicopter objects too low - Fixed.
  • AI aircraft. A-10A refuses to use AIM-9 - Fixed.
  • AI aircraft. A-50 can't be refueled by Il-78 tanker - Fixed.
  • AI aircraft. AI formation settings do not adhere to when AI is part of “Player” group - Fixed.
  • AI aircraft. AI target detection tuning after reports of AI not seeing obvious targets  - Fixed.
  • AI aircraft. AI being less aggressive in dogfights and hitting the ground in some cases (additional tuning for WW2 planes dogfight). Tuning for behavior was done, maneuver kill is still possible against AI though.
  • GUI. The "Airfield" filter does not take into account coalition ownership when listing available airfields - Fixed.
  • GUI. Some weapons in the resource list on the F10 map have exclamation marks instead of title - Fixed.
  • GUI. Connect by domain name or IPV6 in multiplayer results in slot menu bug - Fixed.
  • GUI. “trigger.action.markupToAll” graphical errors with polygons.
  • AI ground. Trees not blocking Line of Sight in some cases -  Fixed.
  • AI ground. Player controlled vehicles can reach excessive speeds on slopes - Fixed.
  • AI ground. JTAC is not active after first designated target destruction - Fixed.
  • Missions. Replaced old F-14 AI with new ones in old missions and campaigns.
  • Warehouse updates. Send create and update messages one by one to overcome message size limits. Fix for warehouse updates desync.
  • Manual. DCS manual edits and additions:
    • Added more triggers information
    • Updated historical mode section
    • Use of the new Deck Personnel

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed. EXP FOV command on HSD will cause a silent crash.
  • Fixed. Maverick Boresight using an aircraft causes drifts/offset.
  • Fixed. CCIP Time Delay Cue - premature release.
  • Fixed. HAD sometimes requires TMS up twice to designate emitters.
  • Fixed. TMS Right Long rotates through radar modes incorrectly.
  • Fixed. RWS targets can start flickering with a large amount of targets on display.
  • Fixed. RWS Attempting Dual-Target-Track while trying to target false track causes Auto RWS to not work and centers scan volume erroneously.
  • Fixed. RWS false target altitude indication can become stuck on screen when changing master mode while hovering over target.
  • Fixed. FLCS Pure roll inputs cause abnormal pitch up and G.
  • Fixed. HTS is unable to lock emitters when HAD and WPN POS pages are both open.
  • Fixed. High drag bombs released in CCIP Ripple have an incorrect interval.
  • Fixed. FCR mode saving still needs refining.
  • Fixed. RWS DTT has overlapping and differently rounded altitude indications for the currently bugged target.

DCS: F/A-18C by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed. GS REQ breaks when TOT is set for the next day.
  • Fixed. AGR with radar off bug.
  • Fixed. Trackfile HAFUs not showing at the top border of the radar region when outside of current range scale.
  • Fixed. Track files generated in SCAN RAID are not designatable.
  • Fixed. Markpoint altitude is being saved in meters.
  • Fixed. Radar has trouble establishing STT from AACQ/TWS lock during high G turns.

DCS: AH-64D by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed. SKR LIMIT message appearing when missile not in track mode.
  • Fixed. Acceleration Cue format logic regression.
  • Fixed. Alternate Sensor Bearing on Pilot's FLT page is not following CPG TADS.
  • Fixed. Performance page is not updating data after jettisoning.
  • Fixed. Some MPD pages lack a solid black text background with video underlay.
  • Fixed. Alternate Sensor Bearing symbol correction on FLT page.

DCS: Supercarrier by Eagle Dynamics

Known issues that we will try to fix in the next update:

  • The new deck crew and dynamic slots are under development and may not work correctly in some cases.
  • Some deck crew functionality may work incorrectly in case of changing slot while crew operations are in progress.

DCS: F-5E  by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added GBU-12 to centerline, GBU-16 to inner and centerline, and GBU-10 to centerline loading options.
  • Fixed. Holding dogfight/resume or ACQ switch does not minimize range gate.
  • Fixed. Sight cage does not align the radar antenna to ARL.
  • Fixed. Mk-82 Snakeye should not have high-drag surfaces when safed.
  • Fixed. Gunsmoke does not follow the airframe/canopy.
  • Fixed. ADI adjustment./corrections.
  • Fixed. Gunsight Depression Axis.
  • Fixed. Mirrors display a distorted picture (fish eye).
  • Fixed. Wingtip launcher rails are fragile when exposed to rapid G-onset.
  • Fixed. F-5E Air-to-Air Missile Employment in MSL mode training mission.
  • Fixed. Rapid aft control input caution.
  • Fixed.  Issues with the FAST ERECT button in the cockpit and the overall performance of artificial horizon.
  • Fixed. Pitch/Roll gyro issues.

DCS: CH-47F by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed. ETA to point calculated by half.
  • Fixed. Copilot’s animations on AI controlled helicopters.
  • Fixed. Incorrect behavior of “MARK”, “SP” and “-” buttons on CDU.
  • Fixed. Rotor artefact in certain blade pitch angles
  • Improved. Synchronisation of MFD screens and buttons.
  • Implemented loading, display and addition of Fix Points to the flight plan
  • Implemented display of FPP based on airfields/navaids with corresponding symbols

DCS: Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed. Rocket burst length incorrect behaviour when using 4 rocket pods
  • Fixed. Multicrew gun shooting delay
  • Improved. Petrovich AI algorithm to determine dangerous pilot maneuvers for the ATGM aim sight was improved. Algorithm parameters depth was improved and new conditions added (especially for the case when maneuvers are done while Petrovich AI guiding ATGM). Petrovich is still humanized though and won’t be ideal, so remember to give command “observe off” after you are done with ATGM attack and starting quick maneuvering. 

DCS: Fw-190 D9 by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed. Altimeter stops measuring above 10 km.

DCS: Mosquito FB VI by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added. The radiomenu command “Bomb after me” forces the player's AI wingman to drop bombs right after the player.

DCS: Yak-52 by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed. Plexiglass separation wall missing in external view.
  • Fixed. Missing nose wheel tyre texture.

DCS: Su-25T free module by Eagle Dynamics

  • Updated EN, RU manuals:
    • Added aircraft NAV database list for Caucasus’ and Marianas’ airfields with additional info about the RWYs equipped with PRMG type of ILS supported by this aircraft.
    • Improved and refined texting
    • Removed Easy Flight Mode section
  • Updated navigation lesson with new run-time pictures and highlights. Tweaked others.

DCS: JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations

  • Fixed. AA Radar page should show HPT’s aspect angle not bearing
  • Fixed. QNH can only be set by DTC. Knob used to tune QFE.
  • Fixed. HSD didn’t show jamming target even it’s burned through by allies and shared from datalink
  • Updated. HSD shows navigation information under all master modes (declutter to remove)
  • Updated. HSD rolls back to older version contact filter to match version of other MFCD pages (see below OSB R3)
  • Updated. HSD OSB functionalities.
    • R3: cycle between [A, A+G, A+S] for air, air+ground and air+sea contact filters
    • D5: declutter button

DCS: OH-58D Kiowa Warrior by Polychop Simulations

  • Fixed: IDM not displaying wingmen as recipients
  • Fixed: Can no longer store positions from IDM messages when no positions selected to be stored
  • Fixed: CTD on receiving BDA with Air Mission EOM
  • Fixed: LMC trying to stabilise with 0 range
  • Fixed: Vox (used for SRS intercom volume in game) now starts at 75%
  • Fixed: Airbag circuit breaker now starts OUT
  • Fixed: Issues with DTC loading waypoints/control points/target points
  • Fixed: L2MUM page bug when using WPN/ASE switch
  • Fixed: SA symbology being visible in HSD-
  • Fixed: ODA display to Direct Point
  • Fixed: Display conditions for NVGs, Visor and Mask
  • Fixed: Collective clickables no longer accessible when collective is hidden
  • Fixed: CI state now syncs correctly on join
  • Fixed: Various issues for MMS, LMC, Laser and MFD states on join in progress
  • Fixed: Disabled MMS resolution changes until render issue can be resolved by ED
  • Fixed: Hellfire VSD page now displays manual laser codes correctly
  • Fixed: Radios correctly named in ME
  • Fixed: airbags not synced for the rest of clients
  • Fixed: CPG Sparse VSD L1 laser readout behaviour
  • Fixed: Armour doors in multicrew
  • Fixed: Input behaviour for radio frequencies
  • Fixed: Heading hold/force trim conflict
  • Fixed: CTD on drawing name malform
  • Fixed: Collective up / down behaviour
  • Fixed: Radio input frequency behaviour
  • Fixed: Flares popping twice in multicrew
  • Fixed: MMS slew speed
  • Fixed: Over 30 inputs
  • Optimised: L2MUM system
  • Optimised: HSD
  • Updated: RTE SEQ now default on for cold start
  • Updated: Implemented fixed MIL-2525 symbol (thanks ED!)
  • Updated: AI now has some hover instability
  • Updated: Added editor option for allowing PDU show/hide when installed (defaults to ON)
  • Updated: Adjusted hover attitude and fixed roll reference indicator offset
  • Updated: MMS diagonal slewing improvements for both axis and button inputs
  • Updated: Updates to Echo 19 sound overhaul
  • Updated: Training missions: fixes, voiceovers for all the missions, new missions (MMS in SEARCH mode)
  • Updated: "Once Again, Closer" missions: added battle graph for border patrol tasks
  • Added: Afghanistan instant action missions
  • Added: ECHO 19 sound overhaul

DCS: MB-339A/PAN by IndiaFoxtEcho Visual Simulations

  • Fixed: Stand-by ADI not caged when mission starts cold & dark
  • Fixed: hundreds rotary of GunSight mills needs 9 clicks to go from 0 to 1
  • Improved: Flight Director bars visibility

DCS: F-4E Phantom II by Heatblur Simulations

  • Systems: Fixed some general multicrew syncing issues
    • Fixes radar and radar guided weapons to be broken since the previous update
  • Systems: Fixed multiple RWR multicrew desync issues
  • JESTER-AI: Fixed bugs with Jester on subsequent takeoffs (mostly Radar Context Action not working correctly)
  • JESTER-AI: Fixed Jester asking multiple times for "which alignment do you want?"
  • JESTER-AI: Fixed Jester Audio being partially cut off during startup when just receiving power
  • JESTER-AI: Fixed Jester Wheel showing Helipads as Airfields
  • JESTER-AI: Fixed Jester unstowing Pave Spike during cold-start taxi
  • Weapons: Fixed Shrikes broken tone and cockpit indications since previous update
  • Weapons: Updated GBU-8 HOBOS weapon definition
    • Fixes GBU-8 being broken since the previous update
    • Enables AI to use it
  • Weapons: Fixed Pave Spike and Jammer not having a rack anymore
  • Weapons: Fixed Walleye I not working for chinese users
  • Weapons: Fixed AIM-7E(2) to use the correct 3D model
  • Missions: Updated Training Missions
    • Lesson 01
      • Tweaked some text to avoid confusion and improve the experience
      • Improved some audio to avoid time delays when playing them
      • Added multiple on-screen hints, especially how to work with the Jester UI
      • Tweaked when Jester is enabled or deactivated to prevent issues with Jester UI popping up at the wrong moment
      • Added some “Roger” confirmations to certain actions
      • Tweaked some power settings during the climb for a better experience
      • Fixed issue with WSO not starting the alignment properly
      • Added hints and explanation during the alignment
  • Inputs: Added bind category "Essentials" to make it easier to find important binds

DCS: F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations

  • NEW: Supercarrier update compatibility
    • New salute command
    • New commands for movement on the deck
  • Link 4C address is now configurable via kneeboard next to ground crew
  • Fixed bugs with broken laser codes, especially in old missions

DCS: AJS37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations

  • Updated the manual

DCS Mirage F1 by Aerges


  • Fixed vertical gyroscope autoerect function not working.

Radio and navigation:

  • F1BE: Green radio function selector is now switched only at the forward seat panel during startup/shut down macros execution, disregarding the currently occupied seat.


  • F1BE Radio Selector Unit MIS, TAC, and VOR potentiometers now work with the corresponding axes input.

Textures and 3D models:

  • Improved nose and main gear texture.
  • Improved Alkan Corail Pod texture.
  • Updated Cambrai Livery for F1C and F1C-200.
  • Some weapons textures were updated.


  • Added terrain lightmap for improved clouds and new fog shading. It highlights clouds and new fog with city lights at night.
  • Fixed instant disappearance (culling) of small vegetation at screen border.


DCS: F-16C Dragon's Fury Campaign by SorelRo

  • Sound missing missions 4 and 5
  • AI wingmen fuel consumption adjusted missions 4 and 5

DCS: F-16C First In Weasels Over Syria by Ground Pounder Sims

  • Updated all missions to fix AI taxi issues caused by changes to the Syria map.

DCS: A-10C II Operation Persian Freedom Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims

  • Adjusted kill conditions for mortar team during on-call tasking.

DCS: F-16C Dragon's Fury Campaign by SorelRo

  • Missions 9. Sound files adjusted

DCS: F/A-18C Operation Green Line Campaign by Badger 633

  • All Missions: Updated for deck crew.
  • F-5E 2024 compatibility

DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion Campaign by Badger 633 

  • All Missions: Updated for deck crew.
  • Missions 13 Increased Difficulty: F18’s not taking of fixed.
  • F-5E 2024 compatibility

DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion II Campaign by Badger 633

  • All Missions: Updated for deck crew.
  • F-5E 2024 compatibility

F/A-18C - The Serpent's Head 2 Campaign by Badger 633

  • ll Super Carrier Missions: Update for new deck crew. 
  • Truman used in place of Stennis until Stennis deck crew is resolved.
  • Mission 2: Timings adjusted.
  • Mission 8 all variations: JTAC fixed.

DCS: F-16C The Gamblers Campaign by Baltic Dragon

  • Missions 1 to 7:
    • fixed bug with AI aircraft not taxiing from shelters
    • repositioned Patriot system at H4 and rearranged the vehicles according to Patriot handbook
    • tuned the route of the safety patrol around the base
    • fixed flares amount in one mission
    • changed Lau adapter for single-carried AGM-65D from triple rail version into single rail version with less drag.
    • updated loadout in several missions
    • added windsocks at the same spot in all missions
    • updated assigned shelter number for every F-16 as shelters numbering changed with the update
  • Mission 2. W31 properly follows B1 on egress. Updated AAR part for W31 (it will refuel correctly every time)

DCS: AH-64D Outpost Campaign by Stone Sky

  • Minor changes in all missions to adapt to the new Syria map update.
  • In mission 7, the Black Hawk explodes during launch - Fixed.
  • Zulu time typo fixed in all missions and documentation.

DCS: Mi-24P Outpost Campaign by Stone Sky

  • Minor changes to mission 1

DCS: MAD AH-64D Campaign by Stone Sky

  • Datalink has been adjusted in all missions
  • Chinook and Kiowa have been updated in all missions
  • IR marker has been adjusted in mission 10

DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Crew Part 1 Campaign by Stone Sky

  • Mission 3. Ka-50 was removed from the aircraft carrier, which could have prevented the Su-33 from landing

A-10C / A-10C II Basic Flight Training Qualification Campaigns by Maple Flag Missions

  • Removed code that was causing altitude warning issue in BFT05 for both A-10C and A-10C II missions

P-51D: The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Weather updated with the new dynamic fog engine
  • Airfields updated with Massun's assets. No more non-period correct objects

Spitfire IX The Big Show Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Weather updated with the new dynamic fog engine
  • Airfields updated with Massun's assets. No more non-period correct objects.

DCS: P-51D Debden Eagles Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Weather updated with the new dynamic fog engine
  • Airfields updated with Massun's assets. No more non-period correct objects
  • Removed the trees blocking the runway

DCS: Fw 190 A-8 Horrido! Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Weather updated with the new dynamic fog engine
  • Airfields updated with Massun's assets. No more non-period correct objects

Bf 109 K-4 Jagdflieger Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Weather updated with the new dynamic fog engine
  • Airfields updated with Massun's assets. No more non-period correct objects

DCS: P-47D Wolfpack Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Weather updated with the new dynamic fog engine
  • Airfields updated with Massun's assets. No more non-period correct objects

DCS: UH-1H Paradise Lost Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Weather updated with the new dynamic fog engine
  • Mission 2 safety trigger added to make sure the Gamblers engage

DCS: F-14A Zone 5 Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Weather updated with the new dynamic fog engine

DCS: F-14A Fear the Bones Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Weather updated with the new dynamic fog engine
  • Campaign updated for the new carrier directors
  • Rearranged flight deck
  • Salute command incorporated in mission triggers

DCS: F-14 Speed & Angels Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Weather updated with the new dynamic fog engine
  • Campaign updated for the new carrier directors
  • Rearranged flight deck
  • Salute command incorporated in mission triggers

DCS: F-4 MIG Killers Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Weather updated with the new dynamic fog engine

DCS: Spitfire Beware! Beware! Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Weather updated with the new dynamic fog engine
  • Airfields updated with Massun's assets. No more non-period correct objects
  • Mission 3 rogue soldier bug workaround
  • Mission 4 AI taxi bug workaround

F-86F Hunters over the Yalu Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Weather updated with the new dynamic fog engine

DCS: Mosquito FB VI - V for Victory Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Weather updated with the new dynamic fog engine
  • Airfields updated with Massun's assets. No more non-period correct objects
  • FIDO will now actually disperse fog

DCS: F/A-18C Operation Mountain Breeze Campaign by Sandman Simulations

  • All missions – Taxi director update

DCS: F/A-18C Flaming Sunrise Campaign by Sandman Simulations

  • All missions – Taxi director update

DCS: F-14B Operation Sandworm Campaign by Sandman Simulations

  • All missions – Deck crew forced disabled for compatibility with F-14

DCS: UH-1H Peacekeeper Lebanon Campaign by Flying Cyking

  • Mission 06 "Heavy Load". Adjusted the convoy LZ landing trigger with additional checks to prevent early activation
  • Mission 05 "Refugees". Refined the landing/hover trigger for the refugee boat
  • Mission 07 "New Rules". Added the missing "Mission Complete" trigger for the cutscene
  • Mission 09 "Sheeba Farms". Corrected the mission briefing text in both the in-game version and the PDF file
  • Mission 14.1  "The Date". Adjusted the hospital landing trigger to match the new Syria map layout. Fixed the radio menu entry for "Landing at the hospital" or "Continue the tour."
  • Mission 14.2 "The Final". Corrected the date and location graphic at the beginning of the mission

DCS: AH-64D The Four Horsemen Campaign by Fight's On Simulations

  • All missions – Changed initial start up freqs to allow setting of mission specific frequencies easier. All mission startup freqs placed in PRESET 2 for all radios. Tactical freqs moved to PRESET 3
  • M2 – Reworked post mission scoring triggers to hopefully cure logbook issues
  • M6 – Fixed Foghorn running to cab issue. Added Infantry clear up trigger. Delayed crew chat post frequency change.
  • M10 – Fixed mission briefing start time error. Added SMOKE OUT to mark Hellfire target. Fixed Fencing trunks showing in George targeting menu. Added HOLD to infantry during attacks.
  • M12 – Fixed possible Immortal issue
5 nov

DCS - Core Game

  • Fixed: crash that was induced by some modules using custom effect presets. (This crash was top in our crash reporting track system. Please keep sending crashes when able, it helps us determine and prioritize fixes, Thank you!)
2 nov

DCS - Core Game

  • Fixed: Crash instigated by invalid zip file used in mods
  • FIxed: Syria map crash instigated with problem of ground AI navigating through some of the road junctions


DCS: Mi-24P Outpost Campaign by Stone Sky

  • Mission 2. A bug caused by a change in the height of the helipad has been fixed
30 oct

Presented new campaigns:

  • DCS: AH-64D Outpost Campaign by Stone Sky.
  • DCS: F-16C Dragon's Fury Campaign by SorelRo.

DCS - Core Game

  • Spotting dots size in VR adjusted to be smaller in certain cases based on feedback. We are still working on different preset logic for VR. (Please be advised that setting “Improved spotting dots” does not affect presence of spotting dots in VR, please read the setting tooltip).
  • Fixed: Memory leak connected to a ship water trail effect accumulating over the time in mission.
  • Fixed: AI SAM track targets without line of sight in some cases. This will improve air defense units engaging aircraft behind cover.
  • Fixed: In some cases, AI EWR is not responding on the client side in MP.
  • Fixed: AI wingmen collisions during landing on the ship in some cases.
  • Fixed. AI aircraft “Horizontal AAA Evade” advanced waypoint reaction to threat action not working.
  • Fixed: AI aircraft sometimes ignore bombing waypoint action.
  • Fixed: AI wingman starts taxiing before leading Player moves.
  • Fixed: AI delay in initial ground units column start moving. 
  • Fixed. AI Vehicles will not go to the first WP when Go To Waypoint is used.  
  • Fixed: AI Ground unit deviation from route if route is looped.
  • Fixed: AI Wingman collision when executing a command Go Pincer Right.
  • Fixed: AI F-4E is able to independently guide multiple AGM-12s simultaneously.
  • Fixed: AI F-4E will not engage with AGM-65 in some cases.
  • Fixed: First data link transmission causing short (10ms) stutter.
  • Fixed: AWACS line of sight check for datalink does not work over long distances (approx. >100 nm).
  • Fixed: Wind makes aircraft AI make erratic turns to waypoints.
  • Fixed. F-117A and Ka-27 new collisions added to fix corrupted, olderer damage model.
  • Fixed: Several other aircraft models are fixed to address “Corrupt damage model” errors in logs.
  • Fixed: 1135M Rezky frigates disappear when viewing from a great distance, before other ship types.
  • Fixed: TZ-22(Kraz-258B1) and S-75(ZIL-131) take no damage, new collisions added.
  • Fixed. ChinaAssetPack. Gyrocopter no weapon hit collision.
  • Fixed: “Group Alive Less Than” trigger not working.
  • Fixed: Transport.dll crash related to BTR-80, BTR-82 destruction.
  • Fixed: Excessive static noise on all FM radio transmissions.
  • Fixed: Contrails visible in IR view.
  • Fixed: Set “F4” view camera usage distance restriction as for “F2” view camera.
  • Fixed: Effects initialized on inactive aircrafts.
  • Fixed: API: onPlayerDisconnect() and onGameEvent('disconnect') do not provide the correct error code.
  • Fixed: Not showing VR mask at certain graphical settings.
  • Fixed: AI MQ-9. Removed unrealistic four points AGM-114 payload.
  • Fixed: Uncontrolled helicopter trying to fulfill trigger tasks.
  • Fixed: Performance drop when looking at exhaust smoke effect.
  • Fixed: NASAMS launch pad legs lowered.
  • Fixed: B-52H gear tires have very little contact with ground.
  • Fixed: User can't connect to server with direct IP and password if incorrect server IP was previously entered.
  • Fixed: AI S-3B after parking dismount crew with wrong skins.
  • Fixed: Graphical glitches on destroyed parked “uncontrolled” aircraft.
  • Fixed: Trigger.action.markupToAll only shades in freeform shapes if drawn clockwise. Thanks to the Closed Beta Team!
  • Fixed: ME. Zone radius is displayed incorrectly after moving the mark.
  • Fixed: Next icon selection under cursor in the map units layer.
  • Fixed: Freeze when use unhook near cargo on the ship in MP.
  • Fixed: “S_EVENT_LAND” is not triggered for player aircraft landing for carriers in some cases.
  • Fixed: Radio messages not playing audio files from mission.
  • Fixed: All airfield icons are aligned in the same direction in the select role MP screen.
  • Weapons: AIM-120 constant lead angle guidance added to avoid missile twitching when it has not enough velocity to retain target within gimbal limits.
  • Weapons: Legacy schema missiles were tweaked with more adequate speedgate bandpass, radial velocity calculation and probability of target change.
  • Weapons: Adjusted AIM-7 reaction to ECM+ chaff exploit.
  • Weapons: R-24 and RGM-84D missiles control surface animation correction.
  • Weapons: Fixed AGM-84H sometimes fails to guide without DL13 pod.
  • Weapons: Added the ability to restrict proximity fuze functioning to negative closure rates only.
  • Weapons: SM missiles guidance and aerodynamics tweaked, decreased random distance error, adjusted DLZ.
  • Weapons: FFG Oliver Hazard Perry class changed SAM SM-2MR missile with SM-1MR RIM-66.
  • Weapons: SAM SM-1 cannot effectively engage KH-22.
  • Weapons: Added new 3D models for SM family and booster jet effect.
  • Weapons: HARM boost and sustain duration tweak.
  • Weapons: Fix for SA-19 - 9M311 missile wild oscillations.
  • Weapons: Added GBU-8 HOBOS bomb (F-4E pending switch to it).
  • Added. ChinaAssetPack. 3 PLANAF J-15 Skin for Su-33 (Made by Wyvern).
  • Added: AI SH-60B added to list of units for Brazil.
  • Added: New Zealand country added.
  • AI Improvement: Aircraft AI attack logic with Anti-Radiation missiles changed to use the appropriate number of missiles per target depending on missile gen.
  • AI Improvement: Aircraft AI added loft attack maneuver (example is case with F-4E lofting Shrike missiles)
  • Improvement: Effects. Optimization of the cluster munitions effects: fixed stuck effects in some cases and added LOD's technique for clustered emitters. 
  • Improvement: ME. Static units auto link to the ship if they are placed over the ship deck.
  • Improvement: ME. DDG Arleigh Burke class weapon selection panel added.
  • Improvement: Unpacking trigger sounds to the dedicated server is removed, it does not need to play them like a client.
  • Improvement: Added 'Restart Later' option instead of an automatic restart after major menu settings change.
  • Launcher:
    • Fixed. DCS button on the Social media page
    • Fixed. Links to changelog
    • Fixed. Login data saved in local log files (not saving anymore)
    • Fixed. Updater silently loops, preventing update when out of disk space.

Known Issue: At the moment of spawn in cockpit initial camera position may rotate slightly (minor)

Thank you to all Closed Beta Test members and community members for your time and effort to identify and create reports that helped make this update possible.

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: MFD Brightness setting independent between pages.
  • Fixed: Missile Override will now save master modes.
  • Fixed: TMS Up flow with FCR and WPN error.
  • Fixed: Missing WPT number on some pages on DED.
  • Fixed: CCIP post designate steering line does not work.
  • Fixed: TMS with FCR as SOI is not operating correctly.
  • Fixed: FLCS Pitch commands cap out at ~65% - Pitch has ~35% dead zone at the end of the axis.
  • Fixed: Lessons. Improve spelling of RU texting.
  • Fixed: Automatic steerpoint sequencing not disabled in A-G, FIX, or manual A-CAL.
  • Fixed: FCR is not breaking FTT or MTT when steerpoint or sighting point is changed.
  • Fixed: TNDL Track altitude rounds differ between HSD and HAD.
  • Fixed: Viper -152nd livery has typo on title.
  • Fixed: TWS hands-on cursor scan option is not working correctly.

NOTE: Work continues on the Sniper ATP, Flight Model and FLCS tuning, and DTC.

DCS: F/A-18C by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added carriage of 2x GBU-32 on BRU-55.
  • Fixed: Track memory timer issue.
  • Fixed: HACQ and LACQ stop working.
  • Fixed: STT lock takes longer and can't be achieved if maneuvering.
  • Fixed: Unable to TDC depress on a jamming target symbol.
  • Fixed: Radar very low Pd at any range.
  • Fixed: NCTR data seems to be retained after aircraft unlock.
  • Fixed: All ACM modes reverting to previous non-ACM search mode after breaking lock.
  • Fixed: Bump Acquisition deletes the original trackfile.
  • Fixed: ACM modes inconsistency - "Ghost Locks”.
  • Fixed: Cannot interact with false targets.
  • Fixed: AACQ and Spotlight don't work correctly together.
  • Fixed: Hot start aircraft set default waypoint units to meters.
  • Fixed: Range-resolved trackfiles and bricks go through the AOT dugout.
  • Fixed: Rockeye and CBU-99 Mk339 MFUZ shows VT2 instead of OFF.
  • Fixed: STT from VS no target information is displayed.

NOTE: Most of the current F/A-18 work revolves around the DTC, flight performance, radar tuning, and Multi-Sensor Integration (MSI).

DCS: AH-64D by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added Air Targeting Mode. DCS: AH-64D | Radar Air Targeting Mode (COMING SOON)
  • Updated AH-64D Early Access Guide.
    • Please refer to the two most recent entries on the Latest Changes page (which can be found after the Table of Contents) for updates that have been included in the latest version of the guide.
  • Fixed: Crash in avionics Hellfire.
  • Fixed: AGM-114L cannot lock onto static units placed via ME.
  • Fixed: Instant Action mission: SA-5 Elimination.
  • Fixed: SCUD Busters Mission Kneeboard coord.
  • Fixed: IAFS fuel incorrect on rearm. When installed, the IAFS will be correctly refueled along with the main fuel tanks.
  • Fixed: C-Scope symbols not displayed for FCR data received via datalink.
  • Fixed: Model glitches in the FCR items. 

NOTE: Work continues on the Flight Model and SCAS with focus on stability and yaw control.

DCS: A-10C II Tank Killer by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed. Position of the air refueling connector.
  • Fixed. Flaps behavior in the Autostop sequence.

DCS: CH-47F by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added. Longitudinal Cyclic Trim (LCT) functionality in automatic and manual modes. LCT reduces fuselage nose down attitude as speed increases by tilting the rotors according to airspeed between 60 and 150 knots. This allows the fuselage to remain level for cargo and troops.
  • Added. Differential Air Speed Hold (DASH) functionality (WIP). As you increase speed, the DASH, (a long tube in the flight controls with an actuator on each end) will increase in length. If you move the cyclic back to center, the aircraft will still maintain airspeed. This allows you to keep the cyclic in a more natural, centered position when flying at higher airspeeds. 
  • Added. ARC-201D and ARC-220 radios (WIP).
  • Fixed. Picture on the refuel/rearming screen.
  • Fixed. Thrust control lever animations.
  • Fixed. 3D model. Some elements of the thrust control lever are not connected to the lever itself.
  • Fixed. Radalt dimmer not working.
  • Fixed. RWR symbols are black when signal is lost instead of dashed.
  • Fixed. White marks on the RWR screen become black in some situations.
  • Fixed. Gunners desync in multicrew.
  • Fixed. Master caution light is not synchronized in multicrew.
  • Fixed. The Trimmer Reset function is no longer working.
  • Fixed V3 has incorrect correct freq range.
  • Fixed. Local and Zulu time are equal on CDU.
  • Fixed. Incorrect active radio shows in the Voice Chat panel.
  • Fixed. Flare firing barely audible in external view.
  • Fixed. Engines do not start without boost pumps on.
  • Fixed. Ball moves in the incorrect direction when flying the ball.
  • Fixed. No force feedback option.
  • Fixed. Logbook not registering any data.
  • Fixed. Rotor blade and fuselage physics corrected. Pitch angle at different speeds.
  • Improvements to many MFD and CDU pages.
  • Continue working on synchronization (WIP).

NOTE: Great progress has been made on the Advanced Flight Control System (AFCS) and is undergoing testing and tuning. Among other things, it will provide automatic turn coordination and several auto-pilot modes.

DCS: Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added: Mi-24P Afghanistan Weapons practice mission.
  • Fixed: Rearming causes the side door to be visually closed if it was open before that but logically it stays open and triggers cabin seal warning if not closed.
  • Fixed: Radio source selector tooltip: R-828 and JADRO positions in wrong order.
  • Improved: Refactor of hit detection logic for Petrovich AI to more correctly report target miss.

Known Issue: we are aware about sporadic gun shooting lag if the pilot is trying to shoot a gun while there are two human crew members present. We are working on isolating the issue and fixing the issue.

NOTE: Progress made on the full manual and its English translation is in its proofreading and editing phase. RI-65 audio warning system has new audio phrases recorded for the English version and we are working on their integration. 

DCS: Supercarrier by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: Airboss: player can't return to Boss view after Select Role window.
  • Fixed: S-3B - incorrect AoA indexer repeater lights logic. 

NOTE: Programming of the new deck crew logic and animations is complete and undergoing final tests. While not quite ready for this update, it is around the corner.

DCS: WWII Asset Pack by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed. EWR FuSe-65 Würzburg-Riese has no DM
  • Fixed. Ju88 A-4 flap intersects with LTF5b during landing
  • Fixed. Infantry walking and running animations
  • Added. WW2 British Soldier for Canada and Australia

DCS: Fw 190 A-8 by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: Adjustable Stabilizer can be seen through
  • Fixed: Double application of brakes

DCS: Fw 190 D-9 by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: Range Scale wrong on the EZ 42 Gun Sight
  • Fixed: Double application of brakes
  • Fixed. High RPM engine’s sound

DCS: Bf 109 K-4 by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: Double application of brakes
  • Fixed. Broken texture on the damaged wing
  • Fixed. Wrong broken wing part

DCS: P-47D by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: Double application of brakes

DCS: P-51D by Eagle Dynamics

  • Brakes Tuned (too weak)

DCS: TF-51D by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed. Exhaust flames
  • Fixed: Double application of brakes

DCS: Yak-52 by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added. AChS-1 clock glows at night
  • FIxed. Bort numbers

DCS Mirage F1 by Aerges

  • Systems:
    • Fixed NWS high sensitivity being not enabled at first start of a mission.
    • Fixed NWS having excessive effect on steering.
    • F1BE: Rear seat NWS high sensitivity button is initialized now in the pressed position at hot ground start (same like at the forward seat).
    • Fixed the wheel brakes light randomly flashing at the first launch of a mission with cold ground start.
    • Fixed oscillating behavior in FFB introduced in the previous patch for some FFB configurations.
    • Increased lower limit for FFB force to 20%.
  • Radar:
    • Now, when APS (TWS) mode is entered, the radar automatically switches to 60 degrees, one line scan. Previously it was not entering APS until those scan parameters were selected in the cockpit.
    • Fixed the inability to automatically lock a target in auto acquisition modes - TEL/BZ.
    • Transitions between 30 and 60 degrees areas, and between 1 line and 4 lines scans now don't cause the radar screen to be cleared.
  • Input:
    • Added "Telemeter/zone scanning switch - BPZ (BZ)" default assignment to inputs.
    • Added missing input command for 'Fuel quantity reset thumbwheel' decrease action.
    • F1BE: rear seat TACAN channel selectors and VOR/ILS frequency selectors now work with axis input.
    • F1BE: fuel system and VOR/ILS now correctly handle keyboard and axes input - previously when an action was activated from the rear seat, it also went to the forward seat.
    • F1BE: Fuel Quantity Reset Thumbwheel now can be controlled by keys input at the rear seat.
    • Fuel Quantity Reset Thumbwheel is now accelerated with time when controlled by keys.
    • 'VOR/ILS-OFF-TACAN' and 'Omnibearing' keyboard/joystick inputs will work only when the player is at the front seat.
    • Fixed TACAN and VOR/ILS channel/frequency knobs animation, when those are controlled by a joystick axis.
    • The 'Fuel quantity reset thumbwheel' is now correctly animated when keys are used to increase/decrease fuel amount.
    • F1BE: The following switches can't be activated from the rear seat anymore with keyboard/joystick: 'Radar BZ/OFF/TL' switch, 'Fuel dipper' switch.
  • Sound:
    • Added canopy fracturing sound.
    • F1BE: Fuel counter 'click' sound will now not be constantly heard anymore, when forward and rear seat readings are different.
    • F1BE: Added missing fuel counter 'click' sound in the rear seat.
  • Textures and liveries:
    • Added mipmaps to all liveries textures to gain refresh rate at different distances (LODs).
    • Fixed Jordan Air Force (DDA) livery.
    • Improved gear textures (WIP).
  • General:
    • Minor edits in Special Options visual layout.

DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev

  • Fixed wingspan value. It affects the ability to set the aircraft at some start positions on some airdromes.
  • Fixed self-oriented nose wheel yaw animation.
  • Fix in first training mission. Detailed description of step 36 (audio panel setting).
  • HM knob on the Audio Control Panel is now initialized in 'ON' (pulled) position.
  • HOT MIKE (Hot Mic) and CALL functions in Voice Chat have been reworked:
    • When CALL is selected at another seat, it will override INT and HM volumes of the current seat. Master Volume knob will be used for crewmember voice volume control.
    • When PTT is pressed with INT mode selected at another seat, it will override HM volume of the current seat. INT volume knob will be used for crewmember voice volume control.
    • Otherwise when HM is selected at another seat, it will enable HM volume knob for crewmember voice.

DCS: MB-339A/PAN by IndiaFoxtEcho Visual Simulations

  • Fixed. LOD issue: MB339 cockpit disappears if you are a certain distance/zoomed out enough
  • Fixed. CTD during mission loading
  • Fixed. Gunsight Depression Settings
  • Fixed. Rear pilot not visible in external view
  • Fixed. IFR hood not visible in external view
  • Fixed. Rear canopy glass not broken after a rear pilot eject
  • Added. Flight Director System
  • Removed. gunsight depression tables from kneeboard (no longer applicable)
  • Updated Flight manual:
    • Fixed. Missing translations
    • Added. Special Option description
    • Added. Flight Director System description
  • Improved suspension behavior
  • Improved coloured smokes (red and green)

DCS: JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations

  • Fixed. HSD radar TWS/RWS contact should not show heading without trackfile
  • Fixed. HSD radar contact without IFF identification should appear as yellow square
  • Fixed. A-G radar SPI placement bug when in narrow (30 or 60 deg) FOV
  • Fixed. Remove DST page debug info
  • Fixed. Training 02 subtitles for brake pressure
  • Fixed. Training 03 take-off runway direction
  • Fixed. Training 04 story no longer continues after too-quick landing
  • Updated. HSD can show radar contact without joining datalink
    • We will further update HSD page and its OSB functions later
  • Updated. MFCD DATA-NAV page info
    • Add L5 to toggle baro-alt reference source (QNH/QFE)
    • Baro knob will adjust the value for selected source (QNH or QFE)
    • Baro knob clickable type changed (need rebind for your control device)
    • QNH will be automatically set to match mission brief only if born in air.

DCS: Combined Arms by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed gearbox Leopard 1A3 (added second reverse gear, gear ratios adjusted).


DCS: South Atlantic Map by RAZBAM


  • New custom Helo Pads around main cities and in popular areas (a lot more to come)
  • Added extra low detail grass for improved low level visuals


  • Normals not showing correctly in tree'd areas (error from last update)
  • Optimisations across road networks
  • Corrected FLIR on some traffic vehicles
  • Corrected texture mismatch on different road merging junctions
  • Various models Z-fighting fixed
  • Removed model errors from logs
  • South West side fields at Punta Arenas have been adjusted

DCS: South Atlantic Assets Pack


  • Added L118_Unit  Field Artillery Gun  Default Green and Desert Livery Available
  • Added Atlantic Conveyor  (Known Issue with AI Spawns)
  • San Carlos fortification


  • All Frigates now have decreased turn radius
  • Frigates now Roll in the turn.
  • Frigates Now use ship smoke particle system


  • Seacat returns to home position to reload all missiles simultaneously reload period set to 5 minutes.
  • Frigates Increased Distance of finding Obstacles
  • Larc-V  Naming on F10 Map
  • Castle Class Main Gun sound
  • Castle Class SAM RWR 
  • Santafe LOD 1 set to 20Km

DCS: Kola Map by orbx


  • Added ENAN Andoya Airfield
  • Added RU59 Alakourtti Airfield
  • Added new towns and villages around each airfield
  • Added some missing rivers and lakes
  • Added missing islands East of Kallax Airfield


  • Vector data cleanup
  • Kemi Tornio: AI updated to prevent planes blocking passage by moving towards each other
  • Smoothed forest borders
  • Artifact clean up under the bridge in Severomorsk

DCS: Syria Map by Ugra Media


  • New airfields: Ben Gurion, Hatzor, Palmashim, Tel Nof.
  • New models for airport terminals, notably Ben Gurion tower.
  • Added Airbus A300 and An-26 airplanes in the airfield scenes of Deir ez-Zor, Latakia, Marj Ruhayyil, Nejrab, Beirut, Damascus, Tabqa, Ben Gurion.
  • Added destruction models for original objects: Bank of Cyprus, Beirut SkyGate, Limasol KEAN Factory, Paphos Terminal, Sheraton Adana Hotel, Dam Ataturk, Dam Tishrin, Ben Gurion terminal.


  • Optimized models of small objects.
  • Improved models of Airbus A300 and An-26 airplanes.
  • Improved min textures on the texture of the ground and objects.
  • Improved two military bases with helipads.
  • Improved refinery scene south of Palmashim.


  • Fixed bugs in Akrotiri and Paphos airfields
  • Fixed bugs in terrain and vector data.
  • Fixed bugs in common scenes and scenes of military bases.
  • Fixed a bug with the collision of helipads on the roofs of the Bank of Cyprus and Sheraton Adana Hotel.
  • Fixed license plates on cars and inscriptions on buildings.

DCS: Normandy Map by Ugra Media


  • New airfields: Eastchurch, Headcorn and Hawkinge
  • Added three original sites: Basilica Sacré Coeur, Palace of Versailles and Hampton Court Palace.
  • Added high flags at forts and major cities.


  • Optimization of models and scenes.
  • Improved the scene of the bridge near the Palace of Westminster.
  • Improved Notre-Dame de Paris model.


  • Fixed bugs in airfields with the same call signs.
  • Fixed bugs in terrain, vector data and common scenes.


DCS: UH-1H Peacekeeper Lebanon Campaign by Flying Cyking

  • Added bonus mission "Operation Redeemer," available as Mission 16 in the campaign menu.
  • Added "Operation Redeemer" coop version - fly it with your friends! (UH-1, CH-47, and AH-64 client slots available) - You can find the mission in the campaign folder, subfolder "coop."
  • Moved UN Camp Tyre to a new location due to the Syria map update (applies to all missions).
  • Adjusted "Quest" message format for better appearance with GUI scaling and on lower resolutions.
  • Mission 01. Updated location and trigger zones for Camp Tyre in accordance with the latest map update.
  • Mission 02.Repaired Checkpoint Foxtrot VHF beacon.
  • Mission 03. Updated hospital landing location and trigger zones to reflect the latest Syria map update.
  • Mission 04. Removed debug message.
  • Mission 07. Adjusted cutscene to fit the new layout of Naqoura following the latest Syria map update.
  • Mission 09. Made all weapon loadouts available at the FARP.
  • Mission 13. Adjusted cutscene to fit the new layout of Naqoura after the latest Syria map update.

DCS: A-10C Operation Agile Spear Campaign by Combat King Simulations

  • Multiple versions of Agile Spear showing in the Campaign menu of DCS World. - Fixed. My bad. Thank you Nineline.
  • Mission 7 - Unable to score 100 points. Scoring fixed. 
  • Mission 8 - Unable to complete the entire mission. Fixed. Thanks PheonixFC3.
  • Mission 10 - Pig Flight not starting and following. Fixed. Thank you CptJocco
  • Mission 11 - JTAC not lasing, Pigs not attacking when ordered. Fixed. Thank you ornitus.

DCS: P-51D Debden Eagles Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Mission 3 scripting error workaround
  • Frequencies and coalitions updated due to map update

DCS: P-47D Wolfpack Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Mission 3 added a few safeguard triggers

DCS: Spitfire IX The Big Show Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  •  Frequencies and coalitions updated due to map update

DCS: Bf 109 K-4 Jagdflieger Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Frequencies and coalitions updated due to UGRA's map update